
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 18:51:31
70的因数中,是质数的有 20的因数有( ),其中质数有( ) 素数的因数有几个 找规律1/2,4/5,9/13,16/25,( ),( ) 找规律填数:9 4.5 2.25 ( ) ( ),_.按规律填空后面两个该填什么 观察下面一列有规律的数:一组数3,6,11,18,27……根据这个规律可知第n个数应是----(n为正整数 观察下面一列有规律的数-3 6 -11 18 -27 38第n个数为多少该题为2011-2012海东青九年级数学第三次月考填空题第9题 五年级下学期英语智力测试..大姐大哥们帮帮忙!Mr and MRS lEE meet Mr and Mrs Young in a big room.They are all thirsty.A waitress comes to their tabie.She asks them what they want to drink.One man says,"I only drink orange." One woman 智商测试前后不同,上个月做的智商测试146,这次做的智商测试只有142.为什么? 急救,关于写优秀影片的作文 1、有心的成语,越多越好.2、有意思的歇后语三条.3、描写夏天的好诗一首,短一点.4、3条字谜或成语谜.5、人们常用哪些话来赞美教师.6、于尊敬老人的名言两条.7、概括“程门立雪”这个故事 试着用动物的名字把这些成语补充完整吧!()贯而入老()识途狡()三窟呆若木()学了很多年的理科,看到表弟的作业还真被吓了一跳! 第55业的“心”字成语大团圆心 心 心 心 心 心 米数学英语都做完里 可我有事必须今天做完 谢里为 英语智力测试!暑假作业里的~我会追加,谢谢各位了1.There are sixty students in our class.Two-thirds of them are boys,and a quarter of them come to school by bike .Then how many boys in our class come to school by bike? A.10 B.20 C.30 几道英语智力测试1.Look at the numbers below.What's the number after 48?9,12,21,48……2.Who are the two brothers that live on opposite sides of the road but never see each other?3.Mary is 12 years old.Two years ago,she was twice as old as he 智力测试(英语)What dog never barks?What letter is a drink?What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?What makes a girl into a woman? 用同样长的铁丝分别围成正方形,长方形,圆形,面积那个大,那个小?你有什么发现?、 六年级人教版数学寒假作业40~50页答案 1.成语.eg:There is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收是写出下列英语对应的成语:①like a duck to water ②poor as a church mouse③at sixes and sevens④spend money like water⑤as timid as a hare2.习惯用语.eg:Don't let 0 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时 1.How about coming here a little earlier?(改为同义句)______ ______ come here a little earlier?2.光比声音传播的快.The _____ travels _______ ______ the sound.3.I have known Jim for 5 years.(改为 江苏教育出版社的,2L,关你屁事,我就喜欢省事,你管什么啊。不回答就滚,还叫我滚。你算什么东西。 why are flim stars cool? 1.Beijing is very far away from here(改为同义句)2.The meat is a kilo(How much...)3.What did you use your pen for?(Why...)4.It's better to do something late than never(Better...)5.How heavy the snow is!(What...)6改错:(1)Don't worry the me 八年级上册英语寒假作业答案人教版 八年级山东版寒假作业答案 封皮是一个女孩穿紫色裤子 手拿小熊 寒假作业八年级(浙江教育出版社)英语,科学,(全部的)上册的978170821 七年级上册寒假作业答案(山东教育版) 2011初一上册英语寒假作业答案山东教育出版社英语哈 八年级上物理寒假作业答案