
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:29:42
Nobody has any idea that how long it will be before the hostages(人质)______.A.are released B.will be releasedC.are to be releasedD.has been released 翻译! They will —— —— ——their time soon他们很快就没有时间了 关于been to 和gone to的区别I have[ ]Fujian Museum twice.A.have gone to B.have been to C.have gone D.have been答案我知道..但是不知道为什么...大家给个答案跟解释..我是想问。。什么情况下要用to。。。 Thank you.relatives and friends翻译成中文是什么意思?如果用英文回答该怎么回? it has been the case for a long time that...这句话正确吗? will you send your parents to the nursing house when they are old my boyfriend looked as if he had been ill for a long time翻译 It __that he has been ill for a long time.a.seems b.looks c.looks as if d.seems as if 用drink来造个英语句子 英语作文drink ()You must kow the woman_____a red dressAdressed B wearing C dress D wears Which room is your classroom?实际情况回答 He is stronger than II am not ____ ____ ____he.同义句 单项选择An elephant is( )and( )than a cow.A tall;stronger B taller;strong C taller;stronger I still remember that my brother----in a middle school when I went abroad two years ago.A.had taught B.had been teaching C.used to teach D.was teaching我想知道为什么不是B一楼的别瞎捣乱! 喝稀饭的英文是eat porridge吗? 稀饭的英文是什么 what are these/those什么意思 My bedroom is smaller than yours的同意句:My bedroom is _____ _____ _____ _____ yours.求解!My bedroom is smaller than yours的同意句:My bedroom is _____ _____ _____ _____ yours.求解!可以的话顺便说下其中的知识 英、法、美资产阶级革命的共同点是?A.遭到外国武装干涉 B.建立了资产阶级的君主立宪制 C.都受到启蒙运动的直接影响 D.改变了原来的社会性质 MY bedroom is smaller than his.=MY bedroom isn'tMY bedroom is smaller than his.=MY bedroom isn't____ ____ ____ his . 1.My hands arre smaller than yours改为同义句 You can borrow as many videos one time as you like.翻译成中文 英语翻译Cars cost 100 times as much as bicycles.怎么翻译?不应该是自行车花费一百倍和自行车一样多?貌似不是 = = eat英文怎么读 英语drink怎么读 the deadline for the job is the end of the month.___we can't get it done on time?答案是what if 但为什么不是how if, what had you done by the time were three years old An owl (猫头鹰) is a bird w______very large eyes.These eyes make owl look clever.The owl can noAn owl (猫头鹰) is a bird whit very large eyes.These eyes make owl look clever.The owl can not m______its eyes freely as we can.It can only move stra cant take my eye off you有谁唱过 owl is only the bird that can see the colour blue. i find helping others is happy 为什么用helping