
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:34:14
如图所示,弹簧下吊一块条形磁铁,磁铁下端是N极,下面有一个螺线管,P是滑动变阻器,通电后如果P向右移此时,弹簧将 (伸长,缩短,上下振动) 如图所示,在弹簧测力计下挂一个重为1N的软铁,软铁下方有一个螺线管,螺线管的两端与金属导轨ab、cd相连,当导线AB在导轨上向右滑动时,弹簧测力计的示数将 ( ) A.大于1 N B.小于1N C.等于1N D. The signs in the park mean different things.(改成一般疑问句) Those are signs on the right of the way mean “No parking”哪里错了,为什么 The signs mean the same thing.怎么改为一般疑问句? 氢氧化亚铁氧化过程中灰绿色物质是什么? 氢氧化亚铁氧化过程中的灰绿色中间产物是什么氢氧化亚铁[Fe(OH)2]氧化过程中的灰绿色中间产物是什么?它被氧化时白色→灰绿色→红褐色 秋冬交际的作文初中六百字左右 i will want to say 岁寒三友象征什么样的精神? here is a sign,it means we shouldn't touch it是错还是对,是错的把答案给我 The music sounds______of the the three pieces of music.(wonderful)要说为什么! What wonderful music!It sounds ()the singing of the bird.用合适的介词或副词填空 岁寒三友它们象征了怎样的精神 It means "No parking".改为同意句,速速求答! It meas No parking.(改为否定句) 求adele 的someone like you mp3链接地址 放空间里的 sounds good 还是sound good 是 sound good 还是sounds good.如果后者为什么要加s He'll come back soon? He____England.He'll be come back soon.A.has been toB.has been inC.has gone to为什么? but she found so many mistakes that I felt even more depressed帮我翻译一下 谢谢了 She felt quite excited with somany people_(approve入题!帮写下! 英语翻译Theories centering on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior because they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned crimnal behavior through interaction with others.这里尤 Not for years had she felt more 如题 如何测量多股导线的截面积 英语翻译There is little reason to believe that today‘s immigrants want anything other than the millions who have come before them——that is ,to be part of the American (and not least the Californian).There is little reason to believe that ,a -What were you doing when Jim called you?-I had-What were you doing when Jim called you?-I had just finished my homework and____to have a restA.startedB.had startedC.have startedD.was starting求详解 ( )she was very braveA.Girl as she was B.As she was a girlC.A girl as she was D.Girl as was she为什么选 A I have a difficult time k___ what you were doing when I called you.空里面填什么,为什么这么填. 百无一用是情深什么意思? 求语言大神来解答下请详细的解释一下什么是‘百无一用是情深’ 最好要用自己的话 不要从网上随便摘抄下如题,如果还能想出下一句的话还会加赏.