
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 04:07:02
Is she an apple ? 的中文意思是什么? She is eating an apple.用an apple 提问:____ ____she _______? 世界上有比孤独君更优秀的女人吗? 翻译:女主持人的话被掌声淹没了 (drown out) 求问筷子在水里为什么会折断这是什么现象 Apples are sweet at fall.和Apples are sweet in fall.哪个是对的今天英语期末考试有一道题不知道我写的是in望高手指教100分我是一定会给的 yum!it is cold and sweet and very YUMMY.It is near the sea and very sangy.可以换成什么单词 we have received your enquiry of 15 october_in which_ you advise us of your interest in cashmere.此句为什么要选in which?we have received your letter of septembe 12,_____ we are glad to know that you are interested in our electric heaters.( whi Will all those ________ the proposal raise their hands?A) in relation toB) in contrast toC) in excess ofD) in favor of The UFO will()those who see it a lotpanic,model,show,over,latest 其中一个 选词填空 《星星变奏曲》把“谁还需要星星,谁还会/在寒寂寞地燃烧/寻找星星点点的希望”改为陈述句: 星星变奏曲是中寂寞的燃烧有什么含义 向木板上按图钉,钉帽、钉尖的面积分别为40mm^2和0.4mm^2,手指对图钉帽的压强为1×10^6Pa,则钉尖作用在木板上的压力为多少? 在寒冷中寂寞的燃烧 燃烧是什么 燃烧代表什么 为什么要燃烧 sweet、yummy、unhealthy的反义词.还请各位“帅锅”美女多多指教啦!是要一定对的哦! 连词成句 green,apples,sweet,The,and,juice,are _____breaks the law should be punished.A.Anyone B.Those who C.No matter who D.Anyone who ———— breaks the law should be punished A those who B Anyone C no matter who D whoever那请问理由是什么 B和C错在哪里 用last造句 last怎么造句 _____(what how)nice the music_____(hear sound)! How () the music sound?It does.The music makes you feel happy.A.good B.well C.relaxing D.sad How beautiful the music ______ (sound)! 白雪皑皑的世界,如此寒冷.究竟为什么人会感到如此孤寂 什么字含有水的意思 钢板的纤维方向是怎么定义的为什么不沿纤维方向折弯时容易断裂晶须方向在辊印方向上丰度最大 难以理解请给予解释 什么字里面含有草或水的意思? 人终是要孤零零地来到这个世界上,又孤零零地离开吗?时常就有人生是孤零零的感觉.我虽内向但懂得交际,平时经常和很多朋友做很多事,也有两三个知心朋友,所以并不是因为孤单没人陪而产 the song sounds very nice中,sound为什么加s? 将下列句子改成一般疑问句将下列句子改成一般疑问句Mike is climbing the hillWe are having an English lesson nowLi Ping is jumping like a monkeyThe students are reading the text nowI am studying English He is closing the window 改一般疑问句It swims with its head up and tail down改为一般疑问句 怎么改一般疑问句?