
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 20:28:21
麻烦帮忙翻译下Augustana-i still ain't over you的歌词Augustana - I Still Ain't Over YouOut of luck and out of tuneHalf a day and I'm confusedLove may wash away the bruiseBut I still ain't over youDamn the day that I forgotCame so close and a 温故而知新,可以为师矣.翻译 不耻下问,才有学问是什么意思? A man becomes learned by asking questions. 不耻下问才能有学问.这句话是被动语态么 ?如果不是 请帮我 分析一下 语法构成 谢谢了 明天我得帮同学讲这个句子 急 有so he can/is/does这种用法.但请问有没有neither he can/is /does这种用法?如果有,怎么用,请举个例? is和does在第三人称中的用法是什么?为什么有时用Does he····有时用Is he·····? 温故而知新用英语怎么说稍微复杂点,不要太中式的翻译复杂但要简短的 It seemed that the world was at an end .这句话是虚拟语气吗?如果是虚拟语气,怎么was不用were? it seemed ai if the world was at an end.虚拟语气为什么是was在线等@2@2@ 温故而知新 可以为师矣的矣怎么读 l write stories的职业是 什么 l write stories.l am a write stories m_____ write stories意思是什么? 受人尊敬的英语翻译 I can give you some sweets.(用or改成选择疑问句) You can borrow my pen,but then I can give back it.(指出错误的词)哪个人帮我指一下```` I can give her my pen.改成同义句 You can borrow my pen,but then I can give back it. 请从英语语法的角度分析下面的句子,Anthropologists have discovered that fear,happiness,sadness,and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. 在学习中你绝不能不懂装懂,要主动向同学和老师请教.这句话的英文翻译 Java改错 javabean包有错误,改完能编译来,不懂装懂永是饭桶,勿喷!package chap7.text;import javax.servlet.http.*;import java.util.Vector;import java.util.Enumeration;public class ShoppingCar{Vector v=new Vector();String submit=null;S no,I have breakfast at 7:20.问句怎么问?这是答句 No,I have breakfast at 7:o的问句 根据答句写问句.答句:1.No,I have breakfast at 7:20.2.I do homework at school .3.I go to school at 7:45 in the morning.4.I don't like Monday.5.I usually piay the piano on the weekend. 写出下列词语的近义词 分辨_( )立刻_( )爱慕_( )体面_( )帮帮我 下列词语近义词观赏,渐渐,聚集,仿佛,清晰,爱慕 写出下面词语的近义词喜欢,漂亮,特别,兴奋. 哈尔滨有什么旅游景点 谁知道哈尔滨都有哪些旅游景点? 哈尔滨的旅游景点有哪些 Many elderly people have to live on money they ____ when they were working.a.laid up b.put back c.set up d.put aside