
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 13:38:17
do work 这句话是对的吗?如果对的话为什么不冠词a,the,或在work后加s will+v be going to+v be+v-ing 的区别英语人教版八年级下册的一单元 Her father and mother live in London . 为什么要用live 不用lives 运行eclipse时出错an error has occurred eclipse我的电脑之前装过JRE1.6 昨天还能运行 然后百度了一下说JDK包括JRE 就把JRE1.6删了去SUN官网下了最新的JDK1.7 结果eclipse就不能运行了 An error has occurred是什么意思 Sorry!an unexpected error has occurred.This error has been forwarded to MySpace's technical group. 1969年登月 Who got to the moon by spaceship in 1969? We're sorry, an error has occurred.什么意思帮我翻译下 在线等 any的用法1any作一些的和任何的讲,分别放在肯定句还是疑问句否定句中?2有书上说‘以any开头的句子,谓语动词不用not否定”,那么应用什么否定?另外这里的any是代词还是形容词性的?请问any作 法语里faire+de和faire+冠词的用法,详细点,最好有例子 安装时出现An error occurred while copying files怎莫办 求英语单词! 鸟叔 Gentleman 歌曲连接 No one here knows me and I know n_____ here You should always __________(为.准备) the worstYou should always __________(为........准备) the worst he likes this car and will buy one.不是说and前后两句的时态要一样吗?为什么一个是现在,一个是将来 No one except you.I love no one but you---Primula malacoides no one can bait me,except you. 伴随状语是不是只有ing ed两种形式啊 有没有being done形式的呀.He is sitting there,surrounded by his students.He is sitting there,being surrounded by his students.哪句对、 伴随状语有ing形式 还有done形式吗 问两个外国港口的名字请说出下面两个港口/地名的中文名,并分别说出是哪个国家的.RadesIlyichevsk 熟悉国外港口名称的请进,问几个港口的名字请说出下例港口/地名的中文名,并分别注明是哪个国家的:Bllbao Fredrikstad Helsingborg Kleipeda Kristiansand Larvik Malmoe Mantyluolo Norrkoping Will he be able to buy a car next year l think so.He___(save)up for it for 3 years by then. Oo的同音词和Tt的同音词 You must activate now or you will not be able to continue using this product怎么翻译⒈You must activate now or you will not be able to continue using this product⒉you have entered an invalid authorization code.verify the number,re-enter it,and 什么样的动物会盖房子?除了蜜蜂,蚂蚁,水獭,吊死鬼,燕子,如果能说出10种,并且知道搭造的大体模样、、、、、追加250分!具体点啊 Do you suppose they will be here on time?——A.I think so B.It doesn't matter C.Don't mention it D.That's all right 如何发好RR在西班牙单词中.能单独发RR这个音节,可是就是要是放在单词中就发布出来了,谁来教叫我啊? 有首英文歌男女对唱 开头伴奏好象是吉他 中间有句歌词I am free,free to be me我记得好像是在酷狗音乐电台里听到的.中间歌词有一段是 than i see yuor face than you show me the way and the words yuo say sit me f 北京人太不是个东西了! I am very thankful to her for her kindness.(同义句) went had learnt bought were 1:Ben and Lncy _____ good friends. 用下列单词填空 did went closed copied were had got asked 1.we( )some cleaning yesterday2.my father( )up late saturday 3.avery( )to his aunt(上面一撇)s home last sunday 4.he( )the door and went away 5.jimmy( )his par