
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:04:44
BEC商务英语,对我未来有用处么?我是做女装出口的,现在职位是理单员,目标是全能经理人.BEC对我有用么?除去能提高我的英文水平之类的,还有其他的好处么? 谁有福建的详细地形图? 福建省高速公路地图我想十一期间从苏州出发开车到福建游玩,想知道福建内现有哪几条高速公路.最好有地图. 有谁有福建的地形图啊 哪儿有福建省安溪县大坪乡地形图 尸体被凶手藏在哪里+英语翻译 我学会了音标,但是如果看到一个陌生的单词怎么拼?例如couple这个单词 c发什么音ou发什么音?如果有视频教程更好 group the holidays during the holidays是什么意思 请回答.In the father,my,to,on,customers,often,the,talks,his,computer 连词成句 often do l homework my(.)连词成often do l homework my(.)连词成句. who is the tallest in the group? color the odd word in the group 这是一个小学EF的一道教学题,如有知道者请回答. 甲乙两地相距460千米,A、B两车分别从甲、乙两地开出,A车每小时行驶60千米,B车每小时行驶48千米.1、两车同时出发,相向而行,出发多少小时后两车相遇?2、两车相向而行,A车提前半小时出发,则 Mike often does his homework by Internet.对 by Internet提问 the boy often does homework in his s___ 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子1. W_______________ you need help, he will always be there.2. Every year, there are t______________ of tourists go to see the Terracotta Army.3. If you can s__________speak English, it’s not enough for you 甲乙两辆汽车同时从东西两地相向开出,甲车每小时行56千米,乙车每小时行48千米.两车在距中点32千米处相遇.东西两地相距多少千米? COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO(基督山伯爵)的英文影评不需要太多字what you liked best about the movie and what you liked least about the movie and the theme from the movie. THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO怎么样 大雁有定期迁徙的习性,这是为什么 give him a hand同义词 Can you give him a hand (改为同义句)Can you __ him __ __ 改一般疑问句 1.I’going to the library tomorrow morning.2.we can get to the train station on foot.3.she’s going to visit her uncle next week.4.he wants tobean english teacher in the future. Where are you going to do at eight tomorrow morning 大雁为什么要迁徙? give a hand to him等不等于give him a hand 这几个词语用怎么用马克思主意哲学解释呢还有墨守成规 慧能动心 、还有朝令夕改用马克思主义哲学怎么解释啊‘ 急啊 请用心字造词,要关于科学或哲学的.比如重心什么的.并说出定义.不要成语。x心的形式。 趋势一词的解释 最好是有一些哲学 或宗教的解释 请你指出下面句子last year的成分i built a house last year.i 是主语,built为谓语动词,a house为宾语,last year为什么成分?时间状语?定语?