
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:39:14
已知某氨基酸分子式为C17H35O6N8,求该氨基酸中R基的分子式 How beautiful you are!什么意思 How are you?It is beautiful day.It is sunny 对划线部分提问:I watch TV (twice a week) i watch tv at six thirsy(对划线部分提问)划线部分是six thirsy I like to watch TV very much.(就划线部分提问) (watch TV是划线部分)I like to watch TV very much.(就划线部分提问) -------- How much are your sport shoes? How much are your shoes?(同义句)______ _______ ______your shes_______? 帮个忙,要求说道理. ( ) are your shoes They are biack A.What size B.What color C.How much D.Where How much are your (s ) shoes括号填英语单词 横过路面的雨水篦子管道的埋设深度规范上有要求吗?应该是多少? 谁知道埋地敷设管道埋设深度有哪些要求 青霉素氨基酸的分子式是什么?kuai huida wo yao zhunque daan! watch,you,would,tonight,to,TV,like(.)(连词成句) 再考考你们 Would you like [some/any] apples?Would you like ( )[watch] TV? If someone cares about you,you take no care of yourself. David is watching TV in his room.(对划线部分提问)划线部分:in his room填空:() ()David watching TV? David is watching TV in his room.(对划线部分提问) 划线部分:watching TV 填空:() () David () in his room? He asked"where are you now?"(变间接引语) a ton of / tons of / a pile of / an ocean of 等接可数还是不可数请问这次短语后面接可数不可数还是均可,后面的动词的单复形式又是由什么决定的谢谢 We often watch TV on Friday(对划线部分提问) we can watch TV in the evening对in the evening划线部分提问 氨基酸分子式为什么C可以连4条杆我觉得奇怪,为什么连在C上的一个H可以与C写在一起,成:CH.C\而羧基-COOH有可以写成:-CO//O这样的用横杆的写法有什么规则?另外化学键是什么? 隧道埋深是什么意思 We are going to watch TV this afternoon.划线部分提问this afternoon划线 盾构隧道浅覆土是怎么定义的?隧道埋深多少时认为是浅覆土?有没有相关规范? Georgina Sparks做了哪些事 我的父亲惊讶地问我一些问题 my father __- ___ ___ ask me some questions a bit后面接可数名词吗?它和a bit of有何区别? a bit of a 解释为可以说是后面可数不可数名词都可以接吗后面复数可以接吗 是不是a bit of a 是个固定词组,和a没有关系 a little bit of加名词对吗? 英文翻译,“2010年无锡市第二届美发美容节,“滨湖杯”第六届美发美容发型化妆技艺大赛.”