
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 11:17:39
She shut the window ________ she might keep the insects out.A.in order that B.since C.till D.because half前 什么时候加a a half与half a的区别 half cup a half cup half a cup 那个正确?half cup ,a half cup ,half a cup 那个正确?半杯.那个表达对名词一般是放在 half half cup half a cup 那个更好 if it were not for protection we get from insect-eating animal是什么意思 An accountant( ) the bank ( )money well.A,help uesing B,helping use C,helps use 英语翻译帮忙翻译以下 翻译:most people working in mcdonald's know little sam very wel. 翻译:he pushed and pushed until the people moved downand finally there was enough space for two people. 翻译:most people working in mcdonald's know little sam very well. Exercise is good for you,but most people really know very little about how to exercise properly.51 when you try,you can run into trouble.51.A.While B.When C.As D.So Exercise is good for you,but most people really know very little about how to exercise properly.5 Perhaps computers will one day really think and f【】 perhaps the computer will one day really think and feel.怎么翻译?急用, 诚实的反义词是甚么? 英语翻译 traveller's check是什么?怎末用的? how_____the green one 和 she burst_____the tears.横线上都要填介词【急 You need about twenty minutes of exercise three times a week. who needs about twenty minutes of exercise three time a week?needs为什么加s 百变大咖秀倒数音乐,能给我发一份吗,谢谢!CABIN@126.COM 寻找同义词.请问勤奋的同义词有什么.还有赞美品德的有些什么.如 品德高尚,品德高洁. 一起同义词查询 我花了380元买了一张去北京的火车票(分本别用这三个单词个造句cost spend pay 找同义词口若悬河——舍己为人——夜以继日——欣欣向荣——聚精会神——得意忘形—— 找同义词,11出谋划策的同义词! you are poinnting at something for someone who can't see it.这句话是什么意思这是一个练习题,也可以说出答案. When you do something nice for someone,it is not because you expect something in return.However,when you do get something,you should be very thankful. Which of the following is a hobby?Which is NOT? Now most people are often can not sleep.是病句吗 get的近义词.如:gate(door) Someone gives you something.中文意思同上