
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:13:26
运动场一圈为400米,明明和军军一同参加学校运动会的长跑比赛,已知军军平均每分钟跑230米明明每分钟跑150米,两人从同一听抢同向起跑,问经过多长时间两人可以首次相遇? 1.--- Where have you been,Tim?--- I’ve been to ______.A.the Henry house &1.--- Where have you been,Tim?--- I’ve been to ______.A.the Henry house B.the Henry family C.The Henry’s home D.Henry’s为什么选D 1.明明从家到学校每小时走4.5千米,0.8小时走到学校.如果每小时走5千米,要几小时到?2.15千克煤可发电24千瓦时,每千克煤能发电多少千瓦时?发电1千瓦时需要多少千克煤? where have you been?和where have you been to?判断正误差 并说明原因 Where have you been?I've been to____.A.the Henry's home B.Henry's 为什么选B,A错哪里? What time do you have lunch?英文回答 A:________ time do you have lunch?B:I usually have lunch at 12.A.Where B.What C.When What's the time do you have lunch?At 12 o'clock.快请问这句英语错在哪儿? what time do you have lunch 是啥意思? do you like to have lunch at r____ or at home 明明和军军只喜欢看老舍先生的文学作品,能给他们广泛阅读,博览群书,你会说:“——————”(填诗句) 明明和军军只喜欢看老舍先生的文学作品,你想让他们广泛阅读,博览群书,你会用这句来教育他们 明明和军国只喜欢看老舍先生的文学作品,我想让他们广泛阅读,博览群书,我应该说什么 老舍的文学作品有哪些?老舍的文学作品有哪些啊?只要作品越快越好 老舍的最佳文学作品是什么啊? 有没有P开头的英语名? 成熟用英语怎么说啊 Everyone in our class like studying english. Everyone in our class are going to learn English.有什么错 our class will have a basketball match with class3 today.改为同义句 bell __the beginning of class rang ,interrupting our game of basketball.indicating B.indicated C.indicates D.indicate选什么啊,为什么?我们老师非要选C. our class has something to do with the basketball match帮忙翻译下, There's going to be a basketball game between Class Three and our class.能变成有against的同义句吗 修改病句:除夕那天晚上月亮真圆呀!除夕那天晚上月亮真圆呀! 除夕的晚上有没月亮?月是怎样的 除夕有月亮吗? 08年除夕是几月几日 除夕是几月几号? 走不同的路线用英语怎么说 “公交路线”用英语怎么说? I'll play in football game between our class and Class Four 这句话有错吗 we will play in football game between our class and class four!改错