
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:54:13
so& such用法 such little money还是so little money?我在辅导书上看到是so little money 但老师说such little money,到底哪个对?说一下理由吧?顺便说一下so& such用法,谢谢~ little,few前面可以用such还是so? 适当形式填空:Cindy likes ____ food.it's good for her_____.so she is very ____(health) X^2+Y^2-4X+Y=0 和X^2+Y^2-2Y-4=0 解方程组 有关励志,勤学,惜时,理想的名人名言~英文版 四季常青开头的成语接龙 关于励志的英文版名人名言(也要有中文}急~ 电影《泰坦尼号Titanic》主题曲的歌词 英文怎么读,Every night in my dreams I see you,I feel you That is how I know you go on Far across the distance And spaces between us You have come to show you go on Near...far...Wherever you are I 英语翻译Blame for the incident fell on the ship's deceased captain,E.J.Smith,who was condemned for racing at 22 knots through a known ice field in the dark waters off the coast of Newfoundland.是说Titanic 沉船的事情. such a few,such few,so little,so a little的区别 大力发展 英文怎么讲? 三个熊两个人过河,人会划船一只熊也会,一个人不能跟两个熊在一起要不会被吃掉,船只能做两?F 我前进的动力是因为有你,用英文怎么讲? 随着经济的发展 用英语怎么讲 成语接龙:叶公好龙-还能接什么 ()little water is not enouth for many people on ()a hot day A such so B so soC such such Dsosuch 关联词题目80道快 快 快 快 故事性的 英文翻译 是so little food还是such little food? Don't worry.There is __for all the people here A.food enough B.enough food C.few food D.little food 把中文句子翻译成英语,好的加悬赏1.良好的开端是成功的一半.2.善始者善终.3.失之毫厘,差之千里.4.Tony每天花多长时间锻炼身体?5.你觉得你们城市的交通方式怎样? 龙争虎斗成语接龙(88个) make sure it is consistant with you ID 组合这个英语句子(加汉语意思)you changes a start can losing weight by making few right now 求一本好书的读后感!(400字左右) 读一本好书读后感 400字 一定要原创的 买一只玩具熊要19元,买两只小熊,要32元,一个小朋友带162元,可以买多少只小熊, 求一首韩国歌曲两只小熊 "想你,我怎么办?"用英语怎么说? 你能拿我怎么办 英语怎么说 单数(······)阶幻方怎么做? 11阶奇数幻方破解答案