
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:50:18
a snowy sunday 什么意思? HaoI really care about “他是个从来没有被人爱过的人” 英语怎么说? 我爱过的人没有一个留在身边,这句话用英语怎么说?...下面是两个人,回答的问题都不一样,我应该采纳谁的?有点困惑了,,不过觉得3楼很准确 为什么会想曾经爱过的人从没开始过,也谈不到结束,但那人懂我.现在,我明明确定一定明确已经不爱了,而且有时候看到还会有点厌倦,但不经意间就会有点想,为什么? 求翻译成法语!就是巴黎圣母院里面的那句:都是我爱过的人啊!" 微粉抛光砖用英语怎么说? 渗花抛光砖用英语怎么说? eiffel tower怎么读不要音标!我不认识音标,最好是一个 的,一点就能读出来, "佳星"和“富康”汽车的英文名称是什么? 佳明的英文名字 In fact, I really care about you 分析结构Mrs.Tang was rather worried but her husband said that she always made too much fuss.Mrs.Tang was rather worried but her husband said that she always made too much fuss about nothing and went on reading the newspaper.分析句子结构谢 Mrs. Li rents her house to a teacher (同义句转换) A teacher ( ) a house ( ) Mrs.Li 谁知道少儿英语的市场怎么样?有做这个项目的分享下经验哈 巧口少儿英语怎么样? 英语翻译This refers to your dependent's application for permanent residence in canada.After reviewing the information provided in support of the application,I am not satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to prove the parent child relationsh 帮我取个佳的英文名如题 佳英文名我叫佳佳,大虾们帮我取个英文名吧. I jealous,I care about... She always_______a red dress and white shoes A:She always_______a red dress and white shoes A:put on B:puts on C:in D:wears Class begins!Let's stop to talk.Does she always wears a dress and white shoes?改错Class begins!Let's stop to talk.Does she always wears a dress and white shoes?The captain of the basketball team is tall to have short hair.He's short and he has bald 连词成句 a dress white always she wear She is(A) always wear(B) white shoes(C).请问哪个地方错了activity的中文意思不再的英文My mother _____glasses.A.doesn't wear B.isn't wear C.wear D.to wear 英语翻译Woman:Hello,my name's Enid Stevens,of Appleyard Smith.跟在of后面的名字如何解释?跟前面的名字有什么联系吗? 求英文名字 名字里有 桐.狮子 女.吴桐.出国需要 起一个与姓和名发音接近的英文名字.尽快 起的好的 取一个特别点的英文名字,女生,名字里有个桐字 最好有谐音 对不起我爱你用各国语言怎么说?对不起我爱你用各国的语言 怎么说 收音机怎么找台?全是数字啊?看不懂! 问一下,……有答案,可是看不懂 下面解析完全看不懂 解析下条件,看不懂,