
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:22:14
be made of中的make为什么用过去式 中文白字解读一下Do You Know I Love You?``这句英语我知道意思.但我不懂英语,所以必须得中文白字.麻烦大家给我用中文白字解读下.例如---Sorry,your phone calls are being broadcast call索里,由尔凤扣斯阿 王子猷居山阴 的个别字解释越全越好.今天晚上要 杨震拒贿个别字解释 急当之郡的之.夜怀十金以遗震的遗.还有过旧或欲令的或.我要单个字的 学英语句子软件什么最好 asleep的反义词反义. .写出下列词的反义词.写出下列单词的反义词 1.cold 2.asleep 3.sweet 4.circle 5.close 6.thi​n一.用适当的词填空1.Today is the__of May.It's Mother's Day2.My grandfather___to the park every day.3.It's time__dinne 谁能告诉我这些词的反义词急!short light strong slow high last often asleep many much hot 请陈述lay、lain、lie之间的关系? LuXun wrote this book 改为被动语态 Who wrote this book?主动改被动 WHo is the author of this book 将这句话变成被动语态! who wrote the boring book 被动语态有几种? 英语翻译Where was the feel of the institution?I wondered nostalgically.Where were the chain-link fences,the metal detectors? write three sentences about dogs write two or three sentences about the picture是什么意思?在浙江教育出版社,英语八年级上的2号作业本上Module4 Education中 Unit2 project hope has built many schools 的作文怎么写? 《秀才读别字》中有哪些别字?有助于回答者给出准确的答案 秀才读别字中的一些问题秀才读别字一秀才喜读书,而别字良多.一日,读《水浒》.适友人造访,见而问曰:“兄看何书?”答曰:“《水许》.”友人怪之,曰:“书亦多矣,《水许》一书实未见” 我经常见到same后跟单数名词,可是七年级教材上出现we don't have the same looks .该怎么讲? 八下英语人教版课本录音、请发送到邮箱zhangxiuyan_8882163.com 急啊!要2014年版新教材 there are many places of interest to visit to.最后的TO是否需要 there is a chair to sit on最后的on是否需要 人教版七年级下册英语课本录音,mp3格式.一四一五四九八三三六@qq.com lf words have the same first two letter,the sacond letter decides the alphabetical order.的意思sometimes all the words in a list start with the same letter.read the rule and then put the following words in alphabetical order.的意思 雅思与新托福的区别及相似性 Although it was au Beijing is__capital of China and it is__city with many places of interestA a;a B a;the C the;a D the;the We have the same looks.虽然look可数,可是same后面不是都要跟单数吗?为什么这里是looks? 翻译:We make great music together . 想自学英语,从哪里开始?当年高考150分的卷子,就那么一个水平……大学里面,英语基本没怎样碰过,出来工作才知道英语有用,想自学英语,从哪里开始?怎么办? 想自学英语,该从哪开始? 最近想自学英语,不知道从哪里开始?最近想想学英语了,但是只有初中的时候学过,而且成绩很差.不 知从何学起,各位有没有好的书介绍一下啊. 英语"人渣"怎么说 skater boy的英文歌词的中文意思是什么?