
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:13:49
帮忙翻译下I am at the camp with the school kids 英语翻译Just go straight and turn left.It's down Bridge Street on the tight. 自High什么意思啊大神们帮帮忙 Face every day:red lips,high heels,V gat,marijuana,Interesting to do?帮下忙 red,penguin是什么意思拜托各位大神 驱动盘是啥意思? 英语翻译有的人死去灵魂犹在,有的人活着意志消亡,死者流连世间无非是对生者的眷恋,而生者沉浸痛苦无非是对死者的不舍.人死不能复生,即便能超越生死与灵魂交流,但生者必然要面对现实 英语翻译在思想上,和高中相比,我觉得我成熟了很多帮我翻译下上面那句话,口语的~THANKS~ 英语翻译曾经幻想着自己的未来会很轰动,当真的长大后发现,轰动与否不是外在,经的起平静最难,平静才是最值得去挑战.就是上面那句话拉~不要翻译软件翻译的哦~=D nothing he did right的反义疑问句 Although I do nothing right与Although nothing I do is right,为什么用后者不用前者?我想表达的是:尽管我一无是处.为什么用后者不用前者? eat and drink的同义词到10/11日问题结束!要快小学四年级的题!!! which has nothing to do with anything 这句话谁能帮我拆分详解一下啊 不理解 I can eat and drink的一般疑问句式什么? i'm not sure whether he has ______ to do with it.A.anything B.something C.nothing drink怎么造句 满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪,都云作者痴,谁解其中味?出自?RT 到曼谷独自自助旅游不会说泰语可以吗?也只会一点英语,那么怎么入住酒店、买东西呢如果去市集买东西要讲价,要吃路边摊怎么办? 曼谷小象泰语怎么说 we should eat much fruit and eat less meat,_____if we eat too much candy it is bad for our teeth .选项有 but ,or The mother makes the boy wash his hands cleanwash his hands是作什么成分?clean又是作什么成分? The boy with his mother often_the windows on Sunday.A.cleanB.cleansC.is cleanD.is cleaning 你说的听力里面sss是啥?期待答复.感激感激 求sss托福听力一份, 求TOEFL听力SSS打包~~~求求求! we plan_____[write]a book on the computer anything else的中文是什么 Anything else中文是什么 catch -------usually go out to catch fish in their ------ boat(fish).(单词的所给形式填空) 第二个是什么?rainboat? always a who uses cormorants to catch fish?By whom_cormorants_to catch fish改为被动.中间2空看清楚了空格是在哪的。