
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 12:59:52
英语翻译我好想放纵下自己!不是句子么?为什么都是词组 于是朋友求问写一篇英语作文没有因特网生活将会怎样...自己明天也忙着考试...实在没空写了,中午两点前要的,也就剩几个小时了,虽然这个要求有点儿强求了但是实在是自己没空了.题目是没 在吃过年夜饭后,怎么拼?是英语 分享的近义词 somnus翻译一下 共享的近义词是什么kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 这本书哪里有卖? Somnus 啥意识 prEN什么意思 虚拟语气问题—Hi, Tom. Any idea where Jane is?—She_____in the classroom. I saw her there just now.A. shall be B. should have been C. must be D. might have been答案为什么选C?不是对过去的虚拟吗? I seldom eat cakes or _____(sweet). I seldom eat sweet snacks_______cakes and sweets填介词 请问GB/T1726-1979涂料遮盖力测定法,是不是现行标准. 虚拟语气问题Supposing this ship___,do you think there would be enough life jackets for all the passengers?A) was sinking B) has sunk C) was to srnk D) were to sink 关于虚拟语气的问题希望可以讲解一下虚拟语气中所有有关had的语法点 几个关于虚拟语气的问题~1.The old man felt as if he______die.A.was going to B.were going toC.will D.would为什么呢?可是FELT是过去式啊?不应该用HAD BEEN GOING 而且系动词后面AS IF不是可直接接真实条件句的吗?为 虚拟语气的几个问题1.If I 【were 】not busy,I would have come.假若我不忙,我早就来了.为什么后面用would have done 前面不用had done2.Should you be fired,your health care and other benefits 【will not 】be immediately cut 关于淀粉酶专一性的实验0.5%淀粉(0.3%NaCl)溶液,为什么要在淀粉溶液中加入NaCl,而且是0.3%的NaCl~ 淀粉酶测定方法淀粉酶的测定方法有哪些?方法做个简单的介绍.不要太长 we call things _ meals snacks 中间可以填写(at、in、for、between)选一个 between meals为什么译成两餐之间.between是在.之间. 好难,英语一直是我的弱项, 关于英语中的虚拟语气问题对描述过去虚拟时要用had done但是看这个:he behaved as if it were nothing tobe ashamed of .behaved 描述的是过去啊.为什么呢? 虚拟语气中的两个问题1.should,could,might,would的区别,注意是在虚拟语气中2.if条件的倒装中not加在主语前还是后?比如是had it not been还是had not it been?最后请推荐一本高中英语语法题目的书, 英语中关于虚拟语气问题He insisted that a medical team () to the flooded immediatel. A, should sendB, is sentC,ought to be sent D , be sent 我选择的是D,虚拟语气,should省略,但是答案是B.求解释,谢谢! Flulike symptoms翻译一下, viral syndrome with hysterical symptoms是什么意思 kitty always eats sweets and cakes between meals.(改为否定句) At that time he could think of nothing _ to say,so he seated himself behind without saying anythingA.in the earth B.on earth C.in world D.on the world upper是什么意思 upper|f'|什么意思? upper 这是我在一个个人介绍的职业一栏中出现的,请达人告知!