
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:03:05
my friend has nicer clothes than I do i do 可以换成me吗?为什么? my friend has nicer clothes than I do中I do的是否可改成me或者去掉do?这属于什么句型?,为什么要I do呢?说说这个句型的语法.不用说比较级,我明白.就是than i do这个地方. My dog runs fast.变疑问句和肯定和否定回答 改正错误 Does he likes going fishing.He likes piay games after classMy dog runs fast 否定句 Is your borther speak English Does he likes going fishing?He likes play games after class.找错 改错题:1 Is your brother cleans his room every week? 2 Does Helen and Peter likes going fishing?希望得到帮助! Does he likes going swimming?(改错)不是说go swimming的go不需要加ing吗? 求黑暗游侠音效"i am here as always" 求黑暗游侠的音效 I am here as always (划出错误的地方,并改正) (1)Does he likes going swimming? Does he likes going fishiing?找出错误 赏析:蒋捷《一剪梅》 what is the meaning of "" what is up""like that Did they become actors as soon as they left high school翻译 英语翻译为什么用left?看不出过去式啊! others get as busy as they can in the time they have left 翻译! Does he likes going fishing? I have nicer clothes than my friend(does)括号内是否正确?若不正确,应填啥? I have nice clothes.My friend's clothes are nicer than mine.的同义句 丑小鸭(节选).“我要飞向他们,飞向这些高贵的鸟儿!可是他们会把我弄死的,因为我是这样丑,居然敢接近他们.这一句话的理解 读一读文中画线的句子,说一说鸭妈妈为什么会有这么大的变化?【《丑小鸭》(节选)】鸭妈妈反驳那个腿有红布的老母鸭说:“他会慢慢长漂亮的,他还是一只公鸭呢!”(划线)“别的小鸭 He is going to()in New York with his parentsAtakeBstayingCbringDstay I am here as always.的深层含义. 丑小鸭的研讨与练习 第2题 为什么鸭妈妈也赶丑小鸭? 在等差数列an中,a3+a7-a10=6,a1-a4=-6,则s13等于?A:168 B:208 C:78 D:152有具体步骤不 已知{an}为等差数列,有且a2+a3+a10+a11=48,求a6+a7 -What made you so upset?-_____my house _____saying goodbye.A.Jim left,without B.That Jim left.wit..为什么啊 is it the email that you received yesterday ______makes you upset?A.which B.what C.that D.when说是强调句.说是去掉it is that,句子说得通就是强调句.可是我就想问了.it is the email which makes you upset.也可以说是定语从 鸭妈妈检验丑小鸭是不是自己孩子的方法是 丑小鸭 鹅妈妈把蛋怎么把蛋丢在鸭妈妈窝里 That's exactly ( )I feel right now.填what还是how? that's exactly what i had in