
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:17:22
英语中ask+什么 ask EnglishHe went out of the restaurant.(without)He did not pay the bill.yong (without)lian jie ju zi,zen me lian?shi(1)He went out of the restaurant without pay the bill.hai shi(2)He went out of the restaurant without the bill.haiyou2.She bought a 用英语怎么表达向谁寻求帮助?(用ask for) 急 English ask我叔叔住在城外德一个小村子A My uncle lives in a small village outside the city.B My uncle lives outside the city in a small villageC My uncle living in a small village outisde the city2 ______neither you nor he like baseball A 给几句好记的英文名言,比如Like father like son 根据漫画用英文写一篇题为Like Father,Like Son mosquito的复数加“s”还是加“es” the same to/as/about区别,急,如题:the same to/as/about区别本来以为有the same to 和the same as但今天写作业发现有个they feel the same about you.求它们的区别 英语翻译Try to do the same as the others这句的单词我都认识,但它的和COPY意思是一样,我不理解,C)词语释义:根据释义及词首字母写出相应的单词。11.m______ one thousand.12.c______ try to do the same as the othe 英语改错 请帮我指出下列句子错误的地方! 谢谢!Since the employees in office building also want to take part in this training .So we did some adjustment.Please pay attention to the mail I will send to you.I'm very sorry for the incon 选出错误地方并改正.英语句子改错It's a easy game.Math sound very boring.Does your parents have a computer? 英语翻译People are dancing on the streets,praying on flags,dancing on flags with soldiers.Their biggest repeated statementWe are not afraidAfter the tear gas,the truncheons,water cannons,bullets.After the internet closedowns and withdrawal of pol 成语:学( )不( ) 你知道:”除真主外,绝无应受崇拜的!穆罕默德是真主的使者!“的意义吗? 怎样把世间万物进行分类?我说的是所有东西,包括抽象的和具象的 世间万物都在遵循趋于平衡的规则吗.所有东西都是平衡的?问下物质是空间组成? 佛教中有一句著名的话,是说世间万物都在改变,没有不变的东西.那么“万物”不也是包括这句话么.按照意思这句话也应改变,那么就有不变的东西.这不显然是谬误么?运动是绝对,静止是相对, 我觉得世间万物都是有原理的没有原理世界不是乱套了,但人们常说事事无绝对,最好的方法就是随机应变这两个观点哪个对? 哪能买到剑桥BEC真题集(高级)第2、3、4辑(人民邮电出版社出版 )? 这个成语没学过, 学什么不什么成语 句子中前面有了does后面单数第三人称后动词要删s吗?如果是is,am,are后面动词单数第三人称还要删掉s吗 英语翻译NBA2004控制键!怎么玩的! 穆罕默德为什么是真主、安拉又是什么东东? 伊斯兰教的祷告是向谁祷告?真主或穆罕默德? 给我家宝宝起小名吧?她是女孩子 给女孩起一个好听的小名!她叫杨梦琪,曾用名杨镜博.别叫静静(及同音).写了!最好是一个代表物体的小名 too和good的oo发音是否相同 plate用谐音怎么读 plate怎么读 desk,plate,edition 怎么读 six,brother,plate怎么读