
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:33:54
Being c________ is quite important as the road is frozen. I went to the shop /// some souvenirs.Ato buy Bbuy Cbuying Dbought I went to the shop to buy some soubenirs.为什么不用bought而用to buy 固定搭配的还是? I went out in order to look for a shop where I could buy some food.同义句I went out___ a shop wh...I went out in order to look for a shop where I could buy some food.同义句I went out___ a shop where I could buy some food .(中间有三个空) surprise是什么名词 surprise在什么情况下是可数名词? surprise是可数名词吗 in surprise中的surprise是动词还是名词? i have never been to rome but that's the city i'd most like to visiti'd most like to visit 这里用 where i most like to visit 哪里不对 I have never been to London,but that is the city (I'd most like to visit).为什么把most常在这里?为什么不把most 放在句子最后呢 I'd like to visit most.或放在like 后呢?I'd like most to visit. 英语翻译我大概说一下,我没太多时间了,你们尽量给我多加一些,说了啊:我最喜欢的房间是我的卧室,遭了,得走了,靠你们了. THE LAST DROP OF INK最映刻最映刻最后一本已经出完了,我觉得小四写的THE LAST DROP OF INK实在很好,还有卷首语也很感人,有人能提供给我吗?不胜感激! 'Til the Last Drop of Blood 歌词 I'll shatter memory's vessel, scattering the last drop of tears的意思 英语翻译 my favourite place is beijing、、、不少于50个单词 说说各种sb领导啊? 料理鼠王英文名字ratatouille中ouille意思 I was ___ to see the police at my home yesterday.A.amazing B.surprised C.surprising D.interesting 建议良好饮食习惯的英文句子.要10句.例如:We should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.等等 还要反对不良饮食习惯的句子 10句we mustn't . 分页如何判断$page有没有值,是不是isset还是empty ring a 有个客户说了这句话,我不太明白,“茅塞顿开”? The name just doesn't ring a bell with me. ring sb up ring sb 哪个指给某人打电话呢 The traffic was ______ than yesterday.A.faster B.slower C.heavier D.lighter应选择哪个 ring a faint The name XXX rang a faint bell.求翻译 My favourite place to live是什么意思 美食总动员观后感、要英语的50词左右、好的我加分、初一水平 不要大段大段的! my favourite place in shanghai什么意思 求一篇《料理鼠王》的英语影评,要易懂的 我想起个带有碧字的网名,中文,英文,啥文都行 四字的公会名字 或者是带有英文的名字 不要别人已经有的要特别帅气的名字 带有《降临》或者《妖精》的公会名字不要捣乱了,我要很正规的名字啊~~~TAT 大大们赶紧帮我忙吧