
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:06:35
关于to I want her to come to my office .tell her to come at once.I want her to come to my office .tell her to come at once.在这两句话里第一个to可以去掉吗?come to 是词组吗 to come 也是词组吗? 向北走大约十分钟用英语怎么说 The students ______ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she ______ in the office.选项:a、had written … leftb、were writing … has leftc、had written … had leftd、were writing … had left Would you please tell me __ next?A.how to do B.what to do C.when to do D.where to do I,m a new student here.Where,s the teacher,s office?sure.It,s on the third floor ,next to the arIt,s on the third floor next to the art room.excuse me can you help me?thank you very much.排序. I found he_______(explain) the problem to his students when I walked into his office. 那些名词是以tion结尾的?求50个, 英语单词后面是tion 的单词有哪些 找tion结尾的词只要是tion结尾的就行, 有哪些单词是以tion结尾 I will tell him as soon as he come back.这句话前后时态不同,有没有什么说法?as soon as有什么用法?最好说详细一点。 As soon as he comes back,I'll tell him when( )and see him.A.you will come我选了B可是答案是A,不是说一句话里只可以有一个将来时吗?这和主将从般是不是矛盾了? As soon as he comes back,I’ll tell him when ___ and see him.这里填的you will come我明白需要用一般将来时,但是为什么不用come的一般现在时表示一般将来时? will you please tell John to come to my office tomorrow?的回答A.Yes ,I do B.I'll be gladC.Thank youD.I'll be glad to will you please tell me how i can get to the post office同义句转换 Please tell [ ] [ ] [ ] to my office [ ] [ ] Will you please tell Mike to come to my coffice?__A Yes,I doB I'll be gladC Thank youD I'll be glad to 初中英语单词后缀加 Tion 的别搞好多 就搞个 20来个 哪里有好的英语发音教学视频 有没有类似【OMG美语】这样轻松的【英语发音】教学视频? 英语发音不标准,有没有什么视频可以看的? 颐和园面积? 在某些英语单词后加er,or,ist,an,tion构成各类名词 英语单词的后缀-ture和-tion有什么区别? 颐和园的故事要有故事\传说\注意事项.尽量少点. 颐和园的传说故事 有关于颐和园的传说和故事吗?不要太长,也不要太短,最好有多一点的传说和故事. 有关于颐和园的故事吗? 北京颐和园的故事(100)字 求《美语发音视频教程》, 求清晰美语发音视频教程 关于颐和园的故事尽量少一点!