
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:38:49
you mind my borrowing some money from you同义句would you mind 后面有四空怎么填啊,总觉得四空太少,可可可题目就只有四空啊! you must be 意思you must be...you must be one上文好像是要某人去做一件事。 you must be mistaken是什么意思? 都铎王朝好看吗?和真爱如血相比哪个更好看? 都铎王朝英文怎么说 罗马和都铎王朝哪个好看? 请问《都铎王朝》与《罗马》哪个好看?有人说《都铎王朝》剧情很闷,完全严格遵守历史事实,是不是?这两部剧情节哪部更精彩?哪部更值得反复看?能不能详细介绍这两部剧(百度百科上抄的 都铎王朝的都铎是什么意思英文是Tudor~ What do you usually c_____ for your parsents'birthday first he (borrow ) some money from his parents (buy) some food and drinks.适当形式填空 化学好的大神在那我高3问一下化学平衡的题 One day Jim borrowed some money from Bob but then he left his work and went to another town,so he didn’t give back the money.翻译 he is the strongest student b in our class同义句.he is _than_ _ _ in our class 1.比如一个可逆反应3A(g)+B(g)=2C(g),在定容的条件下,达到平衡.A为3mol/l B 1mol/l c 2mol/l .同时增大反应物和生成物的浓度,能否使反应速率增加而平衡不发生移动呢.(效果就如同催化剂那样).我 请问:-I think LI Ming is the strongest student in our class.的答语? 化学平衡的题Δs表示什么谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 有关化学平衡的问题,大神求助一定温度下,可逆反应:A(s)+2B(g)=====2C(g)+D(g)△H<0在甲、乙两容器中进行.起始时,将1mol A和2molB加入甲容器中,将4molC和2mol D加入乙容器中,此时 、、、兰的四字词语或成语.、、、竹的四字词语或成语求大神帮助 This is the point____they met some difficulty.A.when B.in which C.at which D.that参考答案给的是C,有资料介绍point做先行词用where,可换用in which,应选哪个 The pet shop( )lot of cuts pets. I want to(The pet shop( )lot of cuts pets. I want to( )a dog. 37.This is the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph.A.that B.which C.from that D.from which 求大神填空题 Where are the apples?They are 【】 the tree. WE ARE MOVING TO A NEW HOUSE NEXT MONTH.还是WE ARE GOING TO MOVE TO NEW HOUSE NEXT MONTH.好象有BE V+ING TO 后面中将来时间就表示将来的说法? 大神们,填空题帮帮忙 请问WE ARE MOVING TO A NEW HOUSE NEXT MONTH.对吗,好象BE VING与将来时间同用有表示将来的意思 who are your teacher?哪里错了?快 How are your teacher 哪错了? How are your teacher.哪里错了 滑坡和泥石流有什么区别?在等高线图上怎么判断? You must wear your glasses.的中文 How long is it ____ we last spent the holiday in the country together?a. since b until c. that选A.B C错在哪?有什么用法区别?