
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:08:16
急需有关石头的古诗词不少于2首,要整首的,最好短点 in 4 years The Olympic Game will be hold in our country in 4 years time.The Olympic Game will be hold in our country after 4 years.什么区别?/ in 11 years' time嗯.意思是?在11年以后,在未来11年之内?所以从现在算下一次发生这个事件是10年,还是11年?原文:the 1st installment being in 11 years' time. 有没有人能告诉我 现在最火的英文歌是什么 最流行的 Who Wants to Drink What?  Mr and Mrs Lee meet Mr and Mrs Young in a restaurant.They are all thirsty.A waiter comes to their table.He asks them what they want to drink.  One man says," I only drink lemonade."   One woman asks the other wom your sister doesn't get up early,does she?Yes,she does.but she gets up late on weekends.你说为什么是yes,she does?而不是no,she doesn't? Whers is Tom?He____to the library. 食物必须经过消化才能被吸收,其中大分子物质不能_.只有能_的小分子物质才能被人体吸收. Alice had nothing for breakfast this morning,__ " " No,she got up too late" A had she B hadn't sheAlice had nothing for breakfast this morning,__ " " No,she got up too lateA had she B hadn't she C did she D didn't she答案是选C,为什么不是选A Jenny got up late and she hurried to school without breakfast的同义句Jenny got up late and she_____to school_________without breakfast 单选:-I can't find Tom.Where did you meet him yesterday?-It was in the hotel __ he stayed?A.where B.which C.that D.the one到底是强调句还是什么从句 搞不懂 求x比y的倍少多少的式子是( ) 3x*y可简写为().1.08×9.6的积有()位数.如果把因数9.6扩大为96,要使积不变,另一个因数1.08应(). 一道英语单选题,-Nancy,can you help me to type this report,please?-____?I have a lot of work to do.请问 此处用What for还是Why me?请回答, 请帮忙做一道英语单选题,并加以解释,if you__ drink so much,of course you will feel sick.A,ought to B,can C,may D,must There is a market near the house.(用last year改写句子) 大家帮帮忙我数学太差要好好练练写完后对答案悬赏分太低我也没办法我只有这么多了 I have no idea when we will have a discussion about our class rules.(改为简单句)I have no idea ______ _______ have a discussion about our class rules. 求两个因式分解的答案1.x^2-xy-12y^22.a^2-6a+9-b^2 i wonder whether our life will have changed分析下句子时态, you are late for school today.you___to school earlierA.ought to comeB.should have comeC.ought have comeD.should com What she did us surprisedA.to make B.madeCmaking D.make 英语单选题, 887是甚么意思 (3x-y)^2+(3x+y)(3x-y),x=1,y=-2 食物中直接就能吸收的物质是什么 假如我发明了一个大于光速的飞船是不是可以回到过去根据相对论还有我能回到从前童年的模样么 887、3344887、8023,狠急.可能是莫尔斯密码,或者是别的.不懂. He likes tigers,too.(改为同义句) He ___ ___ tigers. 你觉得《鲁滨孙漂流记》是一本怎么样的书?一本————————的书;一本————————的书;一本————————的书;一本————————的书;要填四个! “如果你独自驾舟环绕世界旅行,如果你只能带一样东西供自己娱乐,你会选择哪一样?一幅美丽的图画,一本有趣的书,一盒扑克牌......”这是设问句吗? 英语翻译the body__________in the doorway _________. 如果你独自驾舟环绕世界旅行,你会选择带什么?为什么