
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:45:30
要圆明园的毁灭(文章)请快速,不要读后感 my brother always( takes/take) a nap after school.括号里用哪一个?为什么 My brother always takes a nap after school Jia Ming sometimes plays basketball on Sundaywhat does pam usually do after school What s wrong with you I have to tidy my room 翻译 My bather sometimes takes a nap after school改为一般疑问句 grow up等于什么?用带有grow的词组 grow up是用主动吗? 选择不同类的词语自私自利 助人为乐 先人后己 拾金不昧 怎么写. 请大家帮个忙,该怎么写 怎么写啊,请大家帮个忙 怎样翻译I+have+traveled+through+villages+where+people+seemed+to+earn+just+enough+to+make+ends+meet. 关公战秦琼这个成语典故谁知道? 以关公战秦琼为标题, 与朋友相聚 饮酒 诗 Ensemble pour toujours怎么读 英语翻译什么语种 真确翻译 pour toujours conjoint 是什么意思? 威尼斯小艇在表达上的主要特点是什么? 某产品单位售价为16元,单位变动成本为11.2元.生产期内固定成本总额为190670元,计算:(1)保本销售收入额;(2)若想在现有成本水平上实现利润20万元,销售额应达到多少? it looks like the sky [对没有the sky 部分提问】 --------does it ---------like 语法 :And it was a big sky that hung like a huge ash-colored dome over the open prairie land.此句中like作连词还是介词讲?貌似是连词吧, 以下句子的语法是否正确?The factory would be sure to increase traffic in area, causing traffic jam and making children unsafe to play outside. 以下哪个英文句子是正确的?(语法)A.Children have to receive a balanced diet in order to grow proper.B.She said that her plan would be ready soon.C.She said she has made lots of drama programmes 主将从现 主将从现是什么意思,详细解释谢谢! ▲什么叫主将从现?解释下吧 谢谢 if主将从现的选择!每个选项都解释,Father,can I go out and play football?-Of course you can if you __________ your homework.A.finshedB.finishC.have finishD.is finishing 类似:责己严责人宽、正人先正己 、舍己为人,词语中带人和己的,要四个. 与朱元思书最后一句与陆游那句诗意境相同 一道比较级的选择题_____ expensive the petrol oil is, _____ people will buy cars.能不能分别解释一下为什么要用the more, the less?后面不能用the fewer 吗? I agree with him 一般疑问句 关于比较级的一道选择题,求详解.这是道专四题Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than _____ Eastern Nebraska.A.in B.it receives in C.does D.it does in 运用什么语法结构,最好能补充说明.求英语高人.