
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:17:19
original design manufacturing是什么意思 They are also important for Chian's conact _______ the world.A.to B.with C.in D.about选择哪项?为什么? as a rule,when we are in trouble,we think more about ourselvse,and have no time for others.情翻译 the brains are a dime a Romantic novels like these are a dime a dozen 为什么要用like OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED 在sqlloader中是什么意思.OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED怎么使用.要简单,详细.OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED怎么使用 什么是enclosed text They are also a conduit to specialized subcontracting They also work very____at school.Ahard B.haldly C.careless D.careful做得好的人额外有奖赏哦 Where are the books?(在图书馆) 用所给词的适当填空 They are very giad_______(work)with a famous artist. she often tells me jokes to make me laugh laugh为什么不加ing enclosed flights是什么? Ocean world ()()()all kinds of dangerous sean animals.海洋世界充满着各种危险的海洋动物. John is f___ than Peter,and he often tells jokes to make his friends 按句首字母填词 谁知道更多巧记英文单词的例子?例如water、wash等跟水有关的都带w;worm看上去像一只蠕虫;还有联想法、拼音法等等.麻烦多给点这种单词,越多越好!非常感谢! where are the books 翻译 “mall”的中文意思是什么?不懂啊~~~~~谁帮帮我?那“Are you going to the mall?”是什么意思? Mall中文意思是什么 mall是什么意思?有奖哦?! mall中文意思 翻译as the mother of the daughter born in the year 2000,i often wonder what the 21st century will hold for her generation.特别是前面,the mother of the daughter 基因的碱基序列是不是和所控制的蛋白质的碱基序列是反的?或者这两者的关系是什么? She ran fast to catch the early bus 改为同义句 She ran fast ()()()()catch the early bus 迈克尽快向车站跑去,为了不错过早班车. ________miss the early bus,Mike ran to the station______. the plastic dowel enclosed Enclosed the sample sheet.我收到一封邮件,内容是:Enclosed the sample sheet邮件里有附件,请问上面那句话是什么意思?这封邮件的主题是:junior CNY order sample sheet enclosed is the latest catalogue,enclosed are my expense statement enlosed 帮我翻译那个句子 Ben likes the water gun because it's fun to piay with.的中文 《五年高考》P3(介词15):To get a better grade,you should go ___ the notes again beforeTo get a better grade,you should go ___ the notes again before the test.答案是over,我填了for,为什么不能填for, I Was Born...歌词 I was born的谓语动词助动词不是谓语动词吗