
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 11:33:42
Are your teachers kind to you?怎么回答 Are you a teacher?可以换成 Is your a teacher?两个句子有什么区别吗? for ,your,are,teacher,you,looking,English 连词 如何解决文章中的错字别字在word中有没有一种软件可以找出文章中的错字和别字.在word中,“工具”“选项”里的“拼写和语法”如何设置? 错别字 错字和别字 通假字错别字的基本介绍 原因经典错别字不容易区分的字错别字典故 "金庸"出自哪里?有何寓意?就是著名武侠小说作家"金庸"之名. 错字与别字两个有什么区别? 错字别字区别什么 You will always be such as me Dont be so discouraged.If you such feelings,you will do better next tiA put away B break down 我以前也会选这个 不过 最近查了字典 break down 后面可以加情绪 表示消除某种情绪 我就笃定的选B了 然后就悲剧的错了 新概念第三册第七课第一句话是这样说的:Has it ever happened to you?老师说其中的happened 可以替换成come up.那就是Has it ever come up to you?为什么不是came up,而是come up 新概念3 第3课有疑问?Despite her great age,she was very graceful indeed.译文是 "尽管上了年纪,但体态确实优美".这年纪是指雕象原型的人的年纪,还是雕象的上千年的历史? i hoped that it will go higher and higher,为什么去掉it 新概念三第七课最后一句话最后那句:we paid £1.5m on 21,000 claims.这句话应该怎么读?我对英语数字方面一到成千上万就不会读了,我听听力了,但是自己不敢确定,行为我听的是one point five million o 请帮我编写大约3-4分钟的关于going out to eat的英语对话, He likes running in the park 这里的in the park 不是地点状语 因为地点状语是修饰动词的 而显然这里的in the park 不是修饰动词likes ,而地点状语不能修饰动名词所以宾语是running in the park He likes running in the park 这里的park是地点状语 那它修饰什么吖He wants【 to live】宾语【 in the big house】地点状语 那这个地点状语修饰什么吖 The books on the desk( )my new textbooks.括号里填be动词 什么是精听什么是泛听,可以具体一点吗,答的好有加分什么是精听什么是泛听,可以具体一点吗,答的好加分20 新概念2 He's going to sell it.That's what he________to do.A.Intends B.will C.shall D.goingBefore he went to bed,Mr.Thompson_________the lights.原文是关了电.A.close B.turned on C.closed up D.switched off 2.The price ____ ,but I doubt whether it will remain so.A.went down B.will go downC.has gone down D.was going down 选择B对吗?这是虚拟语气的句子还是whether引导的名词从句.还有在这个句子中时态怎样用啊?请高人帮我 It could interpret globle satellite imaging.翻译 改错I often doubt that it is ture.Would you please not to tell him the news?Millis was seen walk into the building at about 3 in the afternoon.My sister has no courage share her fathers her worries. 汉译英 A great actor can _____ a fictional character _____ _____.好演员能使故事的人物生动起来. If the belts are loose and gone,it would be easy to open and to seal again. 奥数优化训练22讲,五年级第二讲第8题,甲乙两地相距540千米,从甲地往乙地开出一辆客车,每小时行60千米,2小时后从乙地往甲地开出一辆快车,每小时行80千米,快车开出几小时后于客车相遇? Can you use your account for mc2 My account sucks:P 是Can I use I doubt if it`s true对吗 我怀疑这是错的 i have been responsible for the training and production of hundreds of seal sniper that have gone onto inflict massive precision casualties around the globe.两句是连在一起的,正确的翻译是什么意思. jim wll be a great actor when he grows up.if be becomes a great actor完成英语小作文,英语句子不少于10句,以这个为开头继续写下去 陈龙是一位优秀的男演员用英语说是Chen long is a great actor. 奥数优化训练22讲小学五年级第二讲基础训练第1.2.3.题怎么做1.甲、乙两地相距300千米,一辆客车和一辆货车同时从两地相向而行,经过4小时在途中相遇,客车每小时45千米,货车每小时多少