
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 23:02:00
请指教x^2 -3x -10 =0a =1b =-3c =-10x = -(-3) ± √(-3)^2 - 4(1)(-10)x =3 ± √9 -(-40)/ 2x =-3 ±√49 / 2(其实算式不止这么多的,但是到这里我就不懂了,算式开头的那个3 怎么会突然变成 -3 )这就是我的问 翻译成中文“Am I down to earth?” I am down as the first presenter.怎么翻译?i am down的用法 因为有更多的人比我们更需要你,翻译英语,给好凭 英语翻译XXX是我最爱的学校 (谢绝翻译机,翻译的口语一点 ) 英语语法:否定词一般都是放在情态动词后 i shouldn't ,i should never 但是今天看到一本书有用了I never should 请问这是被允许的吗?not 也可以放在情态动词前吗? 填词 A little monkey is p--------by the lake.He sees some fish swimming in the lake效率高者, 求好听的英文歌,如sitting down here 这类 I will miss you in my Somebody always in my heard ,you know Somebody always in my heard ,you know 翻译成中文 到哪里可以交到英语语聊的朋友以提高口语水平? It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages _____attracted the audience's interest.那为什么不选 C,理解成主语从句的后置 I am down talking是什么时态,怎么理解求高人附加详细讲解英语词性分类,句子结构及句子类型 It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages ________ attracted our interest.A.so that B.that C.what D.which A:Do you want to work on this homework?B:I am down. 简单的英语单选,handsome young manthe handsome young man looks like a film star _ he is in fact.a whose b which c who d whom 有人知道这首歌吗I am down gonightI am down tonightI am down tonightBecause of you.I've never really understoodWhy it was meWhy it was you....I am down tonightI am down tonightAgain tonight. Is/Does everyone enjoy swimming如题,是IS 还是DOES 急用 What does he enjoy? 今年河北省数学竞赛,也就是全国数学联赛预赛,什么时间啊?还有都考什么内容,考没学过的吗?我是准高二的. 请根据莪的中文名:谢安琪,帮莪取一个谐音一点的英文名吧 莪卜要Angel、Angela … 还来得及吗,现在我高二,开始准备明年的数学联赛 高二才开始搞数学竞赛,还来得及不?刚解决完高中课本,现在手中有全套小丛书.应该如何入手?目标是省一. 莲通常被赋予哪些含义‘ 英语连词成句,还有were,you,good,very,football,at 用句号you,control,ball,the,can 用问号.jump,Tom,really,can,far 用句号. 莲的含义 荷花的意义是什么? 啥时用can,what,how long,how often,hou far,which,do,does.最好用例子哦. ( )does he call?Once a month A.How seldom B.How long C.How soon D.How often You are the only one 1n my you are my only one什么意思 Yamor,You are my only one