
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:46:35
the number of basketball players has (been) risen 这个been能去掉吗?为什么? 用【锐不可当、张皇失措、荡然无存、响彻云霄、月明风清】造句 The students ____ homework has been finished are playing basketball on the playgroun为什么不能选that 这不是一件事情吗我英语不太好 养老院 怎么说呢 关于到敬老院的发言稿 未来的桥是什么样的(不用图,用文字概括) 我替我妈谢谢你的祝福的英文 Four days after setting out,while the Titanic was sailing across the icy water of the North Atlantic这里的setting out为什么要用ing形式呢,是用的什么语法呢 还是说setting out是动名词 新概念3册10课 across the icy waters和后面的 plunged into the icy water.怎么一会儿复数一会儿单数的? 英语翻译写信给一个网友.(1) 李华,家住上海,是个在校学生(2) 喜欢运动和集邮.会唱英文歌(3) 我的同学想交网友,(4) 想去英国 The still waters of the water under a frond of stars是啥意思? could you do me a favor? Could you do me a big favor.how to join the sound?怎么连读? 在爆破中,某种引线燃烧速度是0.8厘米/秒,引线长96厘米,人跑步速度是5米/秒,若点燃引线后,人能跑到500米以外的安全区吗?请计算后回答 老示的手榴弹是要把引线拉掉才会爆炸吗? 电影里手榴弹的引线被拔了.为什么里面的人握着或踩着就不会爆炸? olimpic sailing center Olympic Sailing Center是什么意思 Oiympic Sailing Center是什么意思 科学手抄报该有那些内容?最好是英文的明天要 Olimpic Spling Center 在哪? 需英语科技手抄报内容 Can you do me a favor?Can you do me a favor,content can u do me a favor 本人叫蒋玲,按香港人的习惯,我的英文名翻译过来应该是什么呢? Rats may be frightening and dirty animals to most people,but these small animals change withtheir environment surprisingly well.This means that rats can live almost anywhere on earth.A rat can easily go through a three-centimetre hole.They can climb 208/.Small animals eat leaves,flowers and fruit____food.A.as B.for C.with D.to which animal would people like to keep for pet? 一年级下册未来的桥怎么画 以“未来的桥”为话题的说明文400字 不要复制的!一定要初中水平!一定要是以“未来的”桥梁为话题 400字! 贫困生家庭情况介绍怎么写 请大家帮忙写一篇英语作文假设你是王刚.上周你班组织到英国某公司开办的海底世界游玩时,其工作人员态度蛮横,而且海底世界无故取消了海豚表演却没有及时通知大家,致使大家在海豚馆门 You really should have taken part in the competition.I know I_ ,but I_ too busy to前文+spare any time .A should have ;wasB should do;wasC should;had beenD should have ;had been求详解.