
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:21:54
最好有原因. 补充图片 In Tim's house,a rectangular swimming pool whose length 30 meters and width 10 meters is surrounded by grass.The pool with the grassy area makes a large rectangle whose length is 50 meters ang width 20 meter.Draw the picture first then answer:What ar 8 原因~ 八上英语短文填空 ___ neighbors are very important in our lives .If everyone can ____ a good neighbor ,our country will be more harmouious .Is there a day to say ___ you to good neighbors?Yes,there is.The fourth Sunday in September is National 八上英语,急. 八上英语完型填空 求大神 数学应用题——圆的周长1)两个连在一起的皮带轮,其中一个轮子的直径为6dm,当它转5周时,另一个轮子转3周,球另一个轮子的半径.2)以一根长20厘米的细钢丝为材料,制作3个同样大小的圆形钢 圆的周长应用题1.一条小路长47.1米,小明在路上滚铁环,铁环直径为30厘米,从路的一端滚到路的另一端,铁环要转多少圈?(要有算式)2.一个大厅里挂着一只大钟,它的分针长40厘米.这根分针的针 六年级数学应用题(圆的周长)1.一只挂钟的分针尖端转动一周所走的路程是251.2CM,这只挂钟的分针长多少厘米?这根分针的尖端经过一昼夜所走的路程是多少米?2.测量一棵老松树,用绳子饶树 已知直径,圆的周长=(),侧面积=() d=10厘米求出圆的周长和面积. 一个圆的周长增加10%,面积增加( )% 圆的周长.面积咋求?不要太复杂.快 四川地震某灾区搭建简易板房任务,按1:2分给部队和灾民完成,部队每天搭建20间,灾民每天搭建25间,两组同时开工;最后部队比灾民提前30天完成,部队搭建了多少间板房?不要解方程的 圆的周长与面积应用题(六年级)急!一道周长,一道面积,一道周长与面积并存的.(附上算式和答案) 如果圆的周长是37.68cm,那么他的面积是 一个半圆的周长和面积等于这个圆的周长和面积的一半( ) 圆的周长37.68cm,它的半径、面积各是多少?列式计算 一个半圆的周长是( ),它的面积是9.37平方厘米.请说明为什么。 几道六年级圆的周长的应用题(在线等)2.一个挂钟的分针长20cm,这根分针的针尖一昼夜所走的路程是多少米?3.一个汽车车轮的外直径是1m,它滚动100周大约是多少米?3.一个圆形花坛中央有一根 这两道题请帮我分析一下 9.Now her lost books are usually______ the library.A .returned B .returned to C.paid D.paid to10.My hobby is ______all kinds of coins.A.to collect B.collecting C.to pick up D.picking up并写一下为什么选你们说的答案 分析两道英语题( ) 5. Eric is the only one of the boys who _____ a driving license. A. has B. have C. is having D. are having’( )7. In my opinion, some of the news ___ 1.You may take a horse to the water,but you can't make him ( )A.drink B.to drink C.drinking D.drinks2.You may be a good listener but not a good speaker because you are afraid of ( ) mistakes.A.showing B.doing C.making D.seeing _______,it was retured to the library.A.Having read the book B.After he read the bookC.Reading the book D.After reading the boolNo one can imagine a boy ____ so cruelly.A.to treat B.treating C.be treated D.being treated.请帮我写下理由, 1.By reading the story ,you may understand____to be successful.A.it takes what B.you take what C.what takes you D.what it takes为什么不选C?2._____different life today is from____it was 20 years ago.A.What a;what B.How;whatC.What;what D.What a;ho 1.After living in Hainan for 50 years,she returned to the village___she grew up.A.whereB.thatC.whichD.when2.Jenny has five daughters,_____Elizabeth is the cleverest.A.of whichB.of whichC.in whomD.of whom 这两道题选什么,能w再来点解析吗? 请问这两道题为什么这么选 1、李鸿章是洋务派,康有为是维新派,他们在下列问题上看法不一致的是:A.学习西方先进技术 B.进行社会政治改革  C.维护清王朝统治 D.建设近代化企业为什么这题选B而不是C2、太平天国运 请帮忙把这两道题答出来,并说出解析,解析出为什么这么选.