
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:00:35
中国历史上最后一个太后是谁? 几道英语单项求详细解答1.A young man ____giasses came ___ the office.He had an old bag ______his arm.a.without,in,in b.with,into,under c.in,out of,under d.with,in,on2.The young man was hit by a truck,_____,he was not ____ hurt.a luckily,bad 带竖心旁的字与什么有关 已知线段a,b(a大于b)画一条线段mn,使mn=a-b 半夜三更到底是几点啊偶不晓得是几点拉,谁告诉偶啊? 谁知道半夜三更是几点啊? 已知线段MN,延长线段NM至A点,使AM=MN 带马字的十二个国名无邪, 延长线段MN到P与延长线段NM到P的意义相同 这句话不对 错哪了 延长线段MN到P与延长线段NM到P的意义相同 这句话不对 错哪了 马的原产地是哪 (打一国名) 往墙头上赶马 打一国名急用…… 《岳飞破“拐子马”》中,官军不敢当的“官军”是指——(国名)军队回答快速正确有加分~ 英语翻译子曰:”可与言而不语之言,失人;不可与言而与之言,失言.知者不失人,亦不失言. 求教英语选择题,22.Sinking in the sand,he reached _____ his friend’s hand,but it was too far away.A.on B.out C.for D.over 已知线段mn延长线段nm至a点使am =mn这个图怎么画 快帮我翻译吧. 英语翻译 帮忙翻译!快要自己翻译的!If you can get a few weeks off study, then try a volunteer holiday! A volunteer holiday is completely different from the normal kind of holiday that most people are used to having. It lets you learn so much about th 木子旁正 要念什么? "My sister likes to write rather than to telephone."这个句子对吗? i decided to write to her rather than to telephone her.如题,改错 送给哪些不珍惜感情人的句子 A=2*3*5*a,B=2*3*7*a.已知A、B两数的最大公因数是30,a是多少?要快!O(∩_∩)O谢谢! I decided to write rather than (to) telephone.为什么decided不是原型? i decided to write to her rather than to telephone her.这句话有错嘛 rather than 可以接动词不定式吧 还是有to 无什么的啊 帮忙中文翻译英文,快!急!这便是我的床,别看它现在这么乱,其实我是在收拾东西.那天是我在处以上学期的最后一天,我们宿舍每个人都忙着收拾自己的物品,当然,我也不例外.最左边倒下的是我 英语翻译许多美国总统出身在贫苦家庭,读书少,但进行自学.他们一些人都曾在部队服过兵,一些人是将军,一些是战争英雄.总统的工作是很重要的,但也是令人疲劳的,每天有大量的工作等着他 新西兰预科是否任何时候都可以入读新西兰的大学预科?还是有规定时间入读呢?若有规定时间, I liked to write to him instead of telephoneing him 同义句 I decided to write a letter to him instead of calling him up同义句I decided to write a letter to him instead of calling him up=I decided to write a letter to him _____ _____call him up I wil be the manager of the company instead of him.请问instead of him 在句中是什么成分? 五年级上册数学找最大公因数地方法是什么