
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:34:11
请问这句英文句子是怎么组织的,Her work "Variations on H" is made up of different colors of finely made hands connected together to form a flowing cloth.How did Ms.Adams make this work?Today we answer this question as we explore the world 英语作文:Hou do I plan to spend summer holiday the price of the camera is very_______A)lowB)tallc)expensiveD)valuable请说明选择的原因,为什么不能选C和D2)necessity is the mother of_______A)discoveryB)an ideaC)inventionD)thought请说明选择的原因,为什么不能选别的,并 the price of the bags is very ( )A dear B high C cheap D has 但是为什么不能选A和C呢,请给我讲讲! a为常见金属,d,e为常见非金属单质,d为黑色固体,e是常温常压下密度最小的气体,b,f也是气体,a与氧气转化为c的过程发出耀眼白光 The price of the bag is very ___ and I can afford it. A.low B,high C.dear D.cheap 答案是选A,但为什么不能选D呢? The price of the basketball is very_________.A.dear B.cheap C.high D.big 下图表示几种无机物之间的转化关系,其中A、B均为黑色粉末,B为非金属单质,C为无色无毒气体,图中表示几种无机物之间的转化关系,其中A、B均为黑色粉末,B为非金属单质,C为无色无毒气体,D为 常温下A能使铁或铝钝化,C为水,B是固体非金属单质,D是一种无色气体,G做耐火材料A和B加热——D,D和氧气生成H ,C和H生成A,F作催化剂点燃E和C反应生成B和C This is a family of _____. “我正在思考问题”这句话的英文翻译? 请问怎样组织好英语句子 请问这个英文句子,在组织文字的时候是怎么思考的呢?He will not send us out on any journey for which He does not equip us well.对for which 的使用一直都不会,即使是考虑英文的构文方式,怎么在结构上理解它 Do you prefer to take a low-paid but secure job or a job with a high salary but easy to lose?这是托福的一道作文题.请大家给我拓宽拓宽思路 要是能帮我想出北美或是欧洲名人的例子就更好 英文作文,题目:My career choice 要求:1.job you prefer to do 2.factors in the job. 3.conclusion. How to spend your free time? This coat is______(expensive) of the three. The price of this TV set is the ( )of the three.A highest B smallest C biggest D tallest 讲解原 The hotel is about 180 yuan a night. (对划线部分提问) 我想在180 yuan上画线怎么画哦?我用的Microsoft Word,怎么也搞不懂怎么画线,我想稍微懂点电脑的人都会,求各位好心人帮帮忙啊,要快哦,要不然就要 A hotel room in Sanya is about 320 yuan a night_____ _______ _______of a hotel room in Sanya a night? 英语Does your father teach English?选项A 、Yes ,she does.B、Yes,he do.C、Yes,he does.B和c哪个对. 英语连词成句1.father;like ;does ;does ;salad ;his ;not Does your father teach 中国原始人类分布 中国有多少种原始人类? 像next week这种词组,是属于什么性质的词副词吗,副词不是修饰动词的吗,那像he will go to the park next week中,next week是在修饰go吗还是什么词呢~~~ 这句话的英语字幕是什么 学说英语疑问;是自己组句子说,还是背会一句说一句》?其他方面不说,就说,说英语这方面,用英语表达自己的意思.到底是怎么练习的?是背回一句,然后说一句.还是,读得多了,听得多了,基础好 the beside taiked him he to woman(连词成句) How to spend your spring festival(英语写话) beside,he,to,him,pointed,woman,the(.)组成一句话 read a book on history这里on history是什么意思,在句中是什么结构?是不是修饰book?是in history吗?