
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 13:04:41
卓 有 成 效成语怎么拼 水与什么反应可生成黑色物质 七年级下册历史人物和主要事迹,按时间顺序整理! try to think of others,not only youeslf的意思 写出七年级上册的历史典故及历史人物(至少十个) 给我发一份七年级上册的所有历史人物!30分!我至少要30个灌水勿来!非诚勿扰啊! We must think more of others,we must not think only of()(自己)谢谢 You should think_____yourself instead of just obeying others.A of B.to C.by D.for选D怎么理解,"为自己着想"? 英语翻译请各位高手用中文翻译下列一段英语,不要用软件翻译!There is an old Chinese tale about a woman whose only son died.She went to the holy man and said ,”what magical things do you have to being my son back to life?" The 如图,△ABC中,∠ABC和∠ACD的平分线相交于点O.试探索:∠BOC和∠A的关系并证明你的结论.今晚就要,不要太迟! 如图,三角形ABC,BO、CO平分角ABC和角ACD,试猜想角A与角BOC的关系,并证明你的猜想 小明量得一根竹竿长1.6米.14;00时,他量得竹竿的影长是2米.同时量得旁边一棵大树的影长是12米.这棵大树的高是多少米?【用比例解】这是六年级的题. He is the only person who understands me 为什么用understands而不是understanding呢,不是用非谓语的吗正因为这里是个定语从句才觉得要用现在分词呀 英语选择题This is the only person___understands meAwhomBwhatCwhoseDthat i came only for a person,a person special for me this is the only person __i know in beijing . A who B thatMiss Green is the only person () can help you with your English.A who B that答案第一个是that第二个是who.到底是看the only用that还是看person用who呢?那要是this is the o 英译中,求帮忙翻译,不要翻译器的We can learn all we need on the InternetI agree with this idea,especially on the subject of learning English.In my class.there are 45 students,and our English lessons last for 50 minutes. That means that we 在△ABC中,∠ACD是△ABC的一个外角,∠ABC,∠ACD的平分线相交于点O,若:∠A=40°,求觉BOC的度数. 英译中,人工翻译,不要翻译器,谢谢Highlighting the immense public interest in the issue, the government website, on which the 3-hour hearing was broadcast live, crashed several times due to unexpected large number of visitors. The rise, th 英语翻译A five-legged Martian has a drawer full of socks,each of which is red,white,or blue,and there are at least five socks of each color.The Martian pulls out one sock at a time without looking.How many socks must the Martian remove from the d 英语翻译1.It was noted that the piece-rated employees were missing time-in and time-out records for all night overtime working hours.Moreover,the monthly rate workers had no time record to track their working hours.Therefore,workers’ actual wor 英语翻译Value Creation Based Cost Management of Real Estate ProjectAbstract—In the increasingly competitive real estate market,the cost management of real estate enterprises has become more and more important.However,in the cost management and 化学里半保留复制的名词解释 小明测量电线杆的高度,他量得电线杆在地面上的影长为5.4,同时吧2米长的竹竿直立在地上,量得影长1.8米.求电线杆的高度.(急……) 小明测量2米长的竹竿影长为1.8米,同时量得电线杆在平地上的影长5.4,求电线杆高多少米(用比例解) 急,好人解下.列下算式1.一个喷水池周长62.8米,在水池外边有一条0.5米宽的小路.路的面积是多少平方米?2.一辆自行车轮胎外直径45厘米,如果自行车每分钟转110周,这辆自行车每小时能行使多少 无价之宝.理直气壮.负荆请罪三个词语的意思!急用! 下面几个词语中,哪个词语中的“之”与“无价之宝”中的“之”的意思是完全一样的?()A.自广州之上海 B.取之不尽 C.惊弓之鸟 下列4组词语中加点意思相同的的一组是 A.异口同声和异乎寻常 B.不计其数和身临其境 C.置之不理和无价之宝D.成群结队和张灯结彩 加点的就是两个成语的重复字 快. DNA半保留复制和半不连续复制有何相互联系 基因的半保留半不连续复制的对生物进化有何帮助? 细胞分裂末期DNA数是多少?资料上有的说是4n,有的说是2n,到底哪个对?如果是4n,那末期染色体和DNA均减半又是怎么回事?