
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:38:15
请帮我填一下关联词 连续打两个喷嚏说明了什么? 填一下关联词 麻烦填一下关联词, NE555 的第5脚(控制电压脚)有什么用请详细点说说 还有4脚复位端有什么用这样的 那有些电路4脚是空接的 有些电路是直接接正极的 有什么区别吗 NE555 有什么作用 NE555第五脚怎么控制基准电压?NE555不是有两个基准电压吗,怎么通过一个引脚改变两个基准电压?改变以后基准电压还是2/3Vcc 1/3Vcc吗?不是的话怎么变化 写一个排比句表达对乔依美好品质的赞叹 谁有数学填空题的试卷 - Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival?- ___________(当然啦).答案是Sure/ Certainly可以用of course 翻译:I expect to go back home for the Spring Festival. although i am filled with ___ to go back home for the spring festival,i am forced to stay here答案是desire,为什么不能用anxietyanxiety不也有急切热切之意吗 1.Please retell the story briefly.2.She is a doctor with lots of experience.3.The students elected Tom to be the monitor.4.We must conclude the meeting before 10o'clock.5.Are you still considering moving?是要改写句子 不是要中文意思 (2/2)he is story,story is she " My sister is__and slim,but i am tall and strong.A.tall B.short C.fat D.big 单项选择 有首英文歌里面有这么一句:She is a story,the story is she 有谁知道? 历史预习作业怎么做? 怎样做好提前预习 已知实数abc在数轴上的位置如图所示,化简|2a-c|+|c-b|-|a+b|-|b-c+a| 帮下忙 -y=3/7x,那么x=___,根据是_______.若a-3=4-b,则a+b=____. 【数学填空题】计算:(a²)分之(bc)*(b²c)分之(2a)=()【数学填空题】计算:(a²)分之(bc)*(b²c)分之(2a)=()(x+3)分之1-(x-3)分之1=() 若m²-n²-4m-6n+13=0 it is about the size of two people standing on top of each other.请翻译下这句话,多谢了 AT one point we were sohigh that we found ourselves cycling through clouds .这个句子中有那些重点?句型句式,短语都要 Now we openly point的中文翻译 英语翻译成中文:we found the air there was very clean “…found that the point,where volunteers decided that the faces were alive,was about two thirds of the way between all-human and all-doll,closer to the human side than to the doll side.为方便理解,出处引述于下:A new study finds that a 沣水中学初二历史预习性作业答案 英语翻译请各位给我推荐一些翻译外国文学名著的翻译家,要比较可靠的那种,不擅自删减文章,文采好一点的,不误导读者,忠于原著的那种.还有就是一般哪些出版社好?尽量详细一点,方便我挑 对于一位翻译家来说,什么是最基本的? Be good _____,and you will find more valuable things.(listen) i believe more and more things will be (发现) in the future.在这个句子里可以用found吗 you don't worry about the little things you will find it difficult to do the great things.中文