
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:07:24
请问谁有小学英语趣味知识竞赛题可以提供给我的吗? 海底还有什么生命存在?请用英语列举 columbus was born in( )A、China B、America C、Italy 海洋为生命的存在提供了哪些有利条件? 海洋说生命是? 1.What word is usually pronouneed(发音) wrong ,euen by the best of scholars?2.Why is a river rich?3.What is the worst weather for rats and mice?4.What room can no one enter?5.What belongs to you and yet is used more by others than yourself?6.Whic 几道英语虚拟语气题目1.Without you,I ____ (know) him.2.But for your cooperation,we ____ (do) the work so well.3.But that she was afraid,she ____ (say) no. 几道英语虚拟语气的习题Calileo insist that the earth——round the sunA should moveB moveC movesD A or BThe idea is that the nation——an unmatched to explore the planet firstA sentB sendsC sendD must sendIt is imperative that you___ther 小学英语智力题*1Kelly was going to give a party,so she wanted to buy some cakes from the shop.She asked the shop assistant for half a dozen cakes.The shop assistant said,"Certainly!That's the same as six dozen."He gave the cakes to Kelly.Is th 在世界上,白鳍豚这种海洋生物还存在吗?到底还有几只阿?难道…都死了? 英语虚拟语气题57.如果时间能够倒流几十年,我真希望和你们一样成为这所名校的学生.(go back)57.If time could go back several decades,I would really like to be a student of this world-famous university just like you. 英语虚拟语气 If we ____(not win) that contract we tendered for last month,we ____(probably be) out of job now. 这道题怎么做如果知道请回答我一定给你好评. 几道考查虚拟语气的英语题1.you ___ten minutes ago,but you didn't.A.Come B.should come C.would have come D.should have come 2.I would go to the concert but I ___ no time .A.had B.had had C.have .D.have had 3.I wish my husband ___ as well as 轨道离太阳最近的行星是什么?有漂亮而复杂的光环的行星是什么?天空中最明亮的一颗星是什么?以古罗马神话中统治水晶宫的海王奈普吞得名的行星是那颗行星?古称荧惑星的行星是那颗行星 几道英语虚拟语气的改写题,..demand insist propose request suggest用上面的单词 将下面的语气改写为虚拟语气!1."The government must do something!"said the professor2."The site must be repaired -- this is very serious!"said U 八大行星中,天空中最明亮的一颗星? 1.The boy acted ____ he had never lived in Canada before.A.as though B.even if C.as D.since 2.The secretary suggested that they ____ the men in at once.A.had brought B.should have brought C.brought D.bring 3.I wish I ____ able to tell him all about i 第1:轨道离太阳最近?2:有漂亮而复杂的光环?3:天空中最明亮的一颗星?4:以古罗马神话中统治水晶宫 太阳系八大行星中,在天空中最明亮的一颗星是? 八大行星中离太阳较近且带有光环的行星是什么星啊 谁会谁"这件事让我高兴"的作文,在这写出来回答我.(我会给你好评哦) 帮我写这个作文,下次回答我的问题都可以得到好评! 关于虚拟语气.I have told my friend that if I_______ he was in hot water,i would go and help him out.A:knew B:had known C:should know D:will know您认为答案选什么?为什么?书上的答案是选择A,说因为主句使用:would do some 辩论:智商比情商重要还是情商比智商重要正方:智商比情商重要反方:情商比智商重要把正方或者反方能说的话都写下来.写的最多给最佳 这道题怎样做,我会给你们好评的. 看到的请回复,我给你们好评 有全部的答案,都给我我就给你们好评第一个回答上来的给你好评的 给我个要好评的理由!我给你们我好评. 老虎能活多久?用英语怎么说? 现代社会中,智商比情商重要吗? 咋写 怎么写?