
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:55:00
天气恶劣的词语?态度镇定的词语?多多的 写出描写态度镇定的词语 但英语政治不行,我想考个二本我现在考490多分,我该怎么办呢? 求数学小数、整数的四则混合运算,不要分数.要100道. 木兰回到家乡后喜悦心情的诗句是? make fun of 的同义词 单词分类(接不定式还是...)将下列单词分类(就这一题)mind want make let keep hope start like plan practise help fail enjoy finish接不定式(to do):省to不定式(do):接动名词(doing) 哪些单词后只能接动词不定式,而那些单词只能接doing Be unaware of 的同义词 be aware of的同义词 be unaware of sth可以换成什么/be aware of sth 呢- -是be know of sth 和be don't know of sth 吗? 紧张的做各种事情是哪个词语的解释? 一道高一数学必修4的题cos20*cos40*cos80= 红楼梦开头诗是什么意思 He always goes to work______A all the time B in time C on time 竟然属于什么词性 Fother always goes to work quickly in the morning.=Father always goes to work__ __ __in the morning I always go to work in the morning.What about father?He always goes to work in the morning,too为例I am going to stay at school this afternoon.What about Sue?__________________I can play hopscotch.What about Liz and Lillie?__________________ love to the depths of the people,we have a humble heart.这句话怎么翻译 people usually have 15days off.译一下off. 燕子飞翔的抒情,说明和描写.(每部分200字左右,说明只需80字) He always drives to work.句型转换He always goes to work_______ _____. “当前、现在、马上”分别是什么词性 现在 夸奖 我们词性是什么 好像今天的好像什么词性 名人的读书故事, 谁能给我名人读书故事2篇?简略一点的,不要太多40个字以内的,thank you! 转换句型:He always goes to work by train.变成:He always goes work ____ ____ ____. 句型转换My father always goes to work by bus.改为同义句 同义句:my father always drives to work. 北师大版初一下册数学基础训练第138学习扩展已知如图28,在△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,AC=BC,CE⊥AE,垂足为E,BD⊥CE,交CE的延长线与点D.(1)试猜想线段AE,BD,DE间的数量关系,并说明理由;(2)图28是以BC所 描绘雨大的句子雨真大,( )围绕一个意思把句子写具体.