
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:22:41
“大堂副理”怎么翻译? 酒店“大堂副理”的英文,名片上用的, 逻辑和物理双核的差别虽然想也知道物理双核强,但是根本上有什么差别呢 求极限解(5X+7)的100次方分之(X-1)的52次方乘以(2X-8)的48次方在X无限接近无穷大的时候的极限?(可以的话请附详细解析)为什么(x^52-1)/x^100=(1-1/x^52) 求此极限解 n->0时 ((1+x)^a)/(a*x) 的极限是?(其中a0)上面写错了应是:x->0时 求助英语翻译“I hope your stay here is everything you hope it will 采用虚电路分组交换方式时,可以省去的阶段:A:建立逻辑连接B: (1)同步时分复用?异步时分复用(统计时分复用)?逻辑信道?虚电路?三次握手?(1)同步时分复用?异步时分复用(统计时分复用)?(2)逻辑信道?虚电路?(3)三次握手? 有没有这种五金零件类似的也行 这个是个什么五金零件, 这个形状的五金零件叫什么名字?——moko50 This is ___the time to discuss____problems.A.hardly;such B.not;so C.good;these D.almost;that The little boy is not ( ) to go to school.a.enough old b.old enough c.too old d.young enough 英语翻译Maybe everything is a mistake是什么意思 the boy is so clever to work out the problem.这个句子对吗是the boy is so clever that he can work out the problem的同义句吗 帮忙翻译下 There is no need for us to discuss the problem again since it has already been settled.为什么用 there is 不用it has 或it is there has啊 This book is an ____ to discuss some interesting social problems.A.AdditionB.attemptC.activityD.assignment 1.()是啊,燕子去了有再来的时候,杨柳枯了有再青的时候,桃花谢了又在开的时候.我们的日子呢,却是一去不复返.不抓住今天,永远期盼着明天,幸福会向你招手吗?括号里填诗句 燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候.我们的日子呢,却是一去不复返中想到了什么古诗?急. (1)“____________________.”是啊,燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再 l have a air-conditioner in my room.(哪错了,并改正 ) 注册五金商行程序因生意需要,客户付款都是支票,请别人进时间太长,想注册五金商行,但不知道注册程序,但不知道能不能进支票和开支票. 地球的卫星是什么颜色是(自转)卫“星”,不是(人造)卫星拍摄的地球! Teachers like to have students discuss a__ themselves in class . there is a library in front of the classroom .(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) The directors have a meeting every Friday afternoon,as though there is nothing to discuss.为什么选as though 应该是even though 可是我在网上搜都是even though 请问该怎麽翻译啊? someone is reading in the classroom 改为一般疑问句__ __ reading inthe classroom 用所给单词的适当形式填空 I have my dinner at my_____ room用所给单词的适当形式填空I have my dinner at my_____room(dine)I am from China I am_____(China)Let't help___wint_______English(they) 改错 He have a new flat.There is two beds in her room.I have a air-conditionrer in my room. 头[ ]填叠词