
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:13:52
I like English.I like Chinese _______.A on the other hands B at the same time C in other parts of the worldD on other words [1]we like english and chinese对english and chinese提问【2】my father often goes boating on sundays对on sundays提问【3】there is a shopping list on the table改为一般疑问句【4】Pingping is from China对China提问【5】Mr smith tea I like Chinese.I like English too.=I like______ Chinese______English I like Chinese and English best.同义句 2010年12月英语六级答案 2010年12月六级答案 2010年12月CET6答案可以发个具体有选项的吗帮忙了 《新概念英语2》第8课有一句话:He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool请问,这句话能改成He makes neat paths and builds a wooden bridge over a pool陈述语气吗?区别在哪里?我就是想问用一般现 新概念英语3第17课. 5 The Verrazano Bridge, ______ the design of Othmar Ammann.5 The Verrazano Bridge, ______ the design of Othmar Ammann. (1. 8)  a.is  b.was  c.were  d.has been. 原文里那句话是The Verrazano They like English and math?(变一般疑问句) "我喜欢你"英文什么写?不要我爱你 he likes his math teacher 改为一般疑问句 He likes English,改成一般疑问句,后面的like还要加S吗 Ted likes math.Ted likes English,too.改为同义句 Ted likes math__ he __likes English. 【紧急】If the bridge were loaded with as manyIf the bridge were loaded with as many as cars as it could_____,it would.(A)sustain(B)endure(C)receive(D)take到底选a还是d? Who can stop many cars with one hand? she likes Chinese and English best的同义句 ___ ____ ____are chinese and English She likes English (用Chinese改为选择疑问句) 我喜欢你,用英文怎么写 it is 的虚拟语气是it was还是it were 关于虚拟语气中was和were的用法两个句子:1.It seemed as if the world was at an end.2.If he were here,everything would be all right.可以确定两个句子都准确无误,第一句取自教科书.所以,虚拟语气中was 和were的用 英语翻译1,“暴君”是tyrant,“明君”怎么翻译?2,第三人称单数的虚拟语气是were还是was? 虚拟语气中"it"后面be动词是用"was"还是"were"? 虚拟语气中用was而不用were的问题(老友记)第十季第二集,joey说:if it was up to me……,印象中以it做主语的虚拟语气在剧中出现不止一次了,是不是主语非人的时候,虚拟语气就是可以用was而不 she likes math.(用chinese改为选择疑问句)( )she ( )( )( )( I like piaying tennis.(改为同义句)my( )( ) is piaying tennis. 20张数字卡片,从中任摸一张摸出质数的可能性是( ) 20张数字卡片从中任摸一张摸出合数的可能性是( ) 1.The bus was packed with people 这句话中的“with”什么意思?怎么翻译? be packed with 和 be crowded with 区别谢 2010年12月英语六级答案什么时候出 英语翻译工作地点在非洲,谁知道待遇如何? 英语翻译才只有一条回复呢.