
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:13:03
窗帘钩如何挂在窗帘上我挂窗帘,那个铁钩钩如何弄啊?怎么钩窗帘 我不会吖晕 As is ()with many picnickers ,they left a lot of litter behind them.a.usual b.frequent c.often d.always The seller____all kinds of fruit in the shop.Aputs Bdisplays Csets Dplaces正确B老板在店里展示了各种各样的水果.选B是因为最优吗?选其他是否也通呢? -how do american like to be called?-most of them do not object _____them by their first name.A to calling B that i calledB是时态不对吗? 感激不已!(如果过程不好编辑,建议写在纸上) We agreed to accept ___they thought was the best tourist guide.为什么填whoever而不是whomever?什么情况下用whomever? He remained unmoved.remained在这里是助动词吗?相当于was吗?unmoved是动词过去式吗还是形容词本身带ed呢?这句话的结构是?我不明白的是为什么会有两个ed 几道 题全部回答:要解释的(答题要有把握哦 :D)1,we have already found a way to prevent the harmful gas from spreading.------ _________________A I can't agree with you more B I quite agree with you 2,when asked why he was absent 题在补充里,要求正确率,期待回答Oh,you fail [ A.away B.down C.again D.backYou aren't good [ ]your lessons.A.in B.with C.about D.atWhy not study [ ]at school.A.early B.fast C.right D.hard''[ ] right''says the mother.A.That's B.All C.It D.J (1)A:Really?What did_____to your bick?When did your get lost?B:I left my bick outside.And I did not_____about it.A:How long did you leave you bick there?B:For a whole night.Now I____hou I can get to school tomorrow1)A:Really?What did_____to your bike The farmer said he saw __UFO in the sky the other day.1 a 2 the 1 ___old man under __tree is over 90 years old .1 an the 2 the a 3 the the 4 an / 3 ( 为什么要用the 而上一题又用a ,under the tree 是固定用法吗?)We haven’t seen you for 十五米高的枣树大概有多少年 Let's make_____ 8 o'clock to meet at the gate of linyi zoo. A. it B. that C. them D. this 历史智力题 谁有关于工厂里好人好事的文章,或者材料!最好是钢厂! 查找身边好人好事演讲稿材料 甲骨文的来历 甲骨文的来源 甲骨文的起源 谁能给我一些好人好事的作文素材?急需! 表面和善,内心险恶的人,用含有动物词语填空 贴吧里那个十五字是什么意思? 甲骨文的来源是什么? 善良与邪恶的对话作文(重分啊)善良与邪恶的对话,写篇作文 如果白色代表善良,黑色代表邪恶,那灰色代表什么有白有黑介于善良和邪恶之间又是什么 The students were told that they____at the school gate at 2:00 the following afternoon.(选择题)A.metB.will meetC.were to meetD.were met请各位告诉我选哪个,并且其他几个选项错在哪里.谢谢 顺便翻译一下! 善良和邪恶一个善良的男孩会有可能和一个坏女孩永远在一起吗? 善良是什么?邪恶是什么? 我是一个非常善良,勇敢,坚强,邪恶的黄种人!勇敢与坚强,善良与邪恶!强悍的灵魂! 梦到龟身蛇尾的动物站冰上是什么意思啊 ( )的飞船、( )地飞舞 ( )地发光 ( )地飞舞