
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:32:51
Does Jim play sports every day ?(肯定和否定回答) be动词和助动词之后是不是要跟名词或动名词形式?请详细讲解用法,多谢.最好举出例子 英语翻译Literally,the old 'Star Trek' idea of the universal translator coming to be,and how the world would change if there were that kind of communication and openness.这半句中“the old 'Star Trek' idea of the universal translator coming to Which is you the () to the bus stop,plesae?A road B way C street D address Which is the way to the hotel,please?(改为同义句) How ( )I ( )( )the hotel,please? Please enjoy the pain which is unable to How many days does he work in a week?意思是什么 请问再定语从句中的such that和such which有什么区别, I wish nothing but the best 中文大概是什么意思!可能单词写错了,lguang 考雅思,哪些词汇必须知道. 我是谁?请用哲学观点阐述 哪两个单词的缩写? 've除了是have的缩写还有另外一个单词缩写的意思吗? 现在分词作状语的方法? 阿波罗计划英语该怎么说?我看到有Project Apollo和Appollo Project 2种说法,哪个正确另外军事里的XX计划应该怎么说?xxx plan还是XXX operation? 英语老师请进 怎么现在分词作方式状语关于现在分词作方式状语He earns a living driving a truck和He earns a living by driving a truck有什么区别啊?什么时候加by 什么时候不加? Which bus can reach the Railway Station?Tell me all the bus which can reach the Railway Station.And I will choose one by oneself. spyware activity中文意思 gang activity 如题 activity的中文 根据意思及首字母提示填词 There's an u------- parking lot near the railway station Pulseless electrical activity 中文意思 Which stop shall we______at so we are the closest to the railway station中文是 我们在哪站下车离火车站最近?我能想到的下车只有get off、可是get off后面貌似没介词> start activity中文是什么意思? 我是谁,你能不能用哲学观点回答下我. You've缩写You've 都是什么的缩写呢.还有 帮我翻译一句话.如下 我给你自己规定了一个任务 动词的现在分词结尾需双写的、去e的有哪些?越多越好! 初中英语哪些现在分词末尾需要双写 双写,去e,结尾的现在分词举例,越多越好要初一水平的比如:make makingrun running这俩类的词,各要15个 three star hotel翻译成中文 They flew to Rome,and__stayed___at a 5-star hotel late in the evening.答案是stayed,但是我想知道为什么不能用arrived android 程序 如何从一个ACTIVITY跳转到另一个ACTIVITY,我的两个activity都在manifest上定义过的package com.example.activity;import android.app.Activity;import android.content.Intent;import android.os.Bundle;import android.view.View