
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:41:34
say goodbye的中文是什么意思? 一首歌say what you say say that you say英文歌,男的唱的.高潮部分就是say what you say下一句就是 say that you 元首愤怒了什么意思 每天下雨使我感到很愤怒,有什么解决的办法么 极度愤怒会是什么样子的? 什么样的事会愤怒,什么事都没有, 设数列an的前n项和为Sn,满足2Sn=an-2∧n+1 +1 ,且a1,a2+5,a3成等差设数列an的前n项和为Sn,满足2Sn=an-2∧n+1 +1 ,且a1,a2+5,a3成等差数列.求a1,an的通项 don't ask what the meaning of life is 和 don't ask what the meaning of life 有何区别?RT, What is the meaning of"Better city better life"?用英语回答, 【【急】】一道英语选择题~The consumer-price index rose 4.48% in the first five months of this yThe consumer-price index rose 4.48% in the first five months of this year,___ 4.7% in the same period last year.A.thanB.toC.againstD.with 把下列句子改为同义句. What's the meaning of the word? What ___ the word ____? Heard that has come to love 除中国四大发明以外还有哪些发明并用英语介绍它对中国的影响 中国的四大发明谁给我用英语介绍一下?一个就够了,一定要短短短!(是英语) I____what he said.A.agreed with Bagreed to .C.agreed on D.agreed at It was the training he had as a young man made him such a good engineer.A.that that B.that what C.that which D.which that 为什么答案是A不是D?It was the training __ he had as a young man __ made him such a good engineer.A.that that B.that what 求英语达人完成短文填空…前缀已经给出.Before I get excited about the new season,I have to recify the mistakes of rhe old.We all make mistakes,however long we`ve been gardening,and I`m no exception.My (big ) sin is to (bl ) plants I agreed__what you said and we all agreed ___you good plan A:with;to B:to with C:with;onD:to ;onagree___your good plan····上面少了个r He was such a __________young man that many girls liked himbeautiful pretty lovely handsome if a rush of danger is what it takes to see him, then that's what i'll find怎么翻译? that's what it takes to do 高一的english 必修一 语法填空~Joe always had (1)___ cigarette on his lips.He smoked (2)___ he read,while he watched TV,whlie he drank a cup (3)___ coffee.He smoked forty cigarettes a day,but he was happy.Joe's friend,Fred,said to (4)___ , 寒假来了,我是高一学生找点语法填空来锻炼英语,急! My father is a good cook.是不是病句 是的话 请说明 读完《匆匆》后,对时间的认识和体会.(300字以内) 为什么有时候连着看几个字 我就感觉不认识这个字了 医士 医师 主治医师 副主任医师 主任医师(看着看着 这个 医 字.就不认识了) 李白的中的景物描写与一文中的相关内容有哪些相同 简析泊秦淮首句的艺术特色 英语改错 What do you spell card?A是What错了.B是do错了.C是spell错了.D是card错了.错那个?应改为什么? 泊秦淮最好的一句 设数列{an}的各项都为正数,其前n项和为sn,已知对任意n,sn是an的平方和an的等差设{an}是正数组成的数列,其前n项和为Sn,并且对于所有的n∈N+,am与2的等差中项等于Sn与2的等比中项(1)写出数列{an 设数列{an}的各项都是正数,其前n项和为sn,满足sn是an的平方和an的等差中项,证明{an}是等差数列.