
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:46:43
a few的比较级是什么?那如果翻译的话 few和fewer和a few各是什么?few 和a few算是反意词 那该怎么显示出其比较级? a few与few能修饰比较级么如题 few的比较级 2ne1,最走红 音译歌词,最好有中文翻译 a few能修饰比较级吗? we managed to cut him down by 30yuan.谢啦. 英语翻译Hey you managed to satay here finally,thats great!Today i had a rest at home cause i still fell ill.Right now i came back from a restaurant,and i think i will sleep soon.How long will you stay here?So this week i still have to work but i 翻译I finally touched down in Bangkok 明朝早期山水画“ 卧游”特点 .简单题. 是go to somewhere还是go somewhere I‘d like to go somewhere relaxing?为什么relax+doing The days are____when I lived a hard life.A gone B going C to go D go 2011年cet4报名时间!考不过去拿不到学位证-。 请推荐几篇关于人生哲理,感悟的英语文章.要文章不要名言,最好是外国作家写的. 我国著名的国画大师有哪些? 中国近现代顶级的国画大师都有哪些? Did you go to see the 英语速度急1、You ( )you did better go to bed see the doctor.A、must ill B、must sick C、must be ill 2.When does the train ( ) London .A、arrive Breah C、get D、get to I will take you to see the doctor 划线部分the doctor 问个成语的意思?此消彼长最好帮着查下 此消彼长 怎奈思念此消彼长,怎奈我本不坚强是什么意思 此消彼长, 十万火急啊此消彼长什么意思 古代著名山水画艺术家那个比较出名? 文言文《楚人隐形》中“螳螂执叶伺蝉,以摘之”中以的意思 螳螂执叶伺蝉,以摘之.这句话意思寒假新时空语文类中的古文(初一) I'm,the,can't,doctor,you,that,see,afraid,now用所给词的适当形式组成句子 I'm afraid we haven't got any white shoes ________ that size at the moment.A.withB.onC.atD.inDo you come here ________ the car?A.on B.to C.by D.in Many people usually take p___ with their mobile phone. 此消彼长的意思是此起彼伏吧。还有别的解释么 连词成句!1.my the park home closest the to is连词成句!1.my the park home closest the to is2.so like you supermarket do how far the