
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:19:45
麻烦翻译下意大利罗马的地址:M.B.R.SAL VIA SALARIA 00138? 中文名:罗间开 LUO JIAN KAI 帮忙起个英文名,贴切小小, 1313113.英语咋么说 用英语说一下1313113 意大利语 “LANIFICIO VASCO NANNICINI SNC VIA DELL'ALLORO,2 H 59100 PRATO ITALIA ” 怎么翻译? 1313113英语说 1313113用英语怎么说? 英语翻译to buy a little bird.” 英语翻译vino da tutto pasto ottenuto da vigneti e uve coltivati in italla.ideale per ognioccasione conservare al riparo da fonti di calore.servire a temperatura 10-14° why did you always deal with your friends at first这道改错题是把at first 改成first为什么啊 闹西搭老, 大字的来历(简短) answer any two of the following questions in english,Thank you very much .Topic one:After guiding the foreign guests to our factory,you should send an e-mail to the guest.Topic two:According to the provisions of our company:our samples are free,but g Has the applicant been immunized against any of the following. 请英语好手翻译这句话,谢谢! 急求宫东风英语长难句和阅读基础的下载密码 什么是熊科动物? “手机放在包里,压到了,手机自己播的号.”用英语翻译 英语翻译:国务院规定,哀悼日期间禁止播任何娱乐节目和广告 3045用埃及的象形数字可以怎么表示图 0用埃及象形数字怎样表示 翻译The newspaper has it that another freeway is to be built this year. 什么是Social We have social studieson Monday.(用what就social studieson提问) 法语 我再查字典social的时候.底下写着 social,fascisme; social,ale fascisme在这怎讲?法语 我再查字典social的时候.底下写着social,fascisme; social,alefascisme在这怎讲?字典里写个这个啥意思 词语模仿秀:找规律,写词语.翻山越岭.心惊胆寒 .( ) .( ) this diagram/chart shows the product can be transferred between HQ and outlet.Is this correct?Are those correct?please provide better answers.1)this diagram shows the product can be transferred among HQ to outlet.2)this chart shows the product can be the instructions for making a protein are transferred from a game to an RNA molecule 麻烦翻译下 RT The judge ordered the prisoner (to be)transferred to the country jail.为什么可以省略to be? 【微观经济学】 .简述福利经济学基于一般均衡的思想论证“无形的手”的理论的基本线索和基本结论 英语14.What he has done is far from _______.14.What he has done is far from _______.a.satisfactory b.satisfied c.satisfaction d.satisfy为什么 What he has done is far from______.A.satisfactory B.satisfaction因```.答案是选A为什么不选B what he has done is far from----A.satisfatory.B.satisfaction?为什么?the answer is A