
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:51:51
这段印尼文的意思是什麼Cinta.Kau hadir tak Q duga kau pergi tak Q sangka...Kadang kau membawa Q bahagia...Kadang kau membuat Q sengsara...Semua tergantung dg waktu.Yg ada tak dpt Q bayangkan & Q duga.Semua nya hadir dg tiba”….Hingga ter that引导主语可以放逗号后面么? that什么从句里可以放在逗号后面?请举...that引导主语可以放逗号后面么?that什么从句里可以放在逗号后面?请举例详解. 请问这两段是什麼意思印尼文..Jengkel..bete..sebel..Udh g kayak dulu lagi..Yo wes ahhh...Capek chattingan mulu...Ada yg mau chatting tlp ngak...Ngobrol yuuukkk...在 Makan" .nyam" .Jika ada 1 kondisi...Di mana di dunia ini tak ada,1 pun yg 在定语从句中,为什么在主句出现逗号就不能用that引导? 为什么逗号后边用了that,是什么从句.如果不是从句,前后的句子中都有谓语动词.为什么It is the interaction between people,rather than the events that occure in their lives,that is the main focus of social psychology. easy英文怎么读 easy english这是高一课本中的年一句话,不理解句子成分The effect this will have on the local wildlife protection.The effect this 俩名词放一起?THAT有省略吗?还有:The English spoken in USA is different from that(为什么 One of the easiest ways to keep healthy is to do jopping.请帮我把这句英文翻译成中文. 英语.easy1、He has not finished his homework , has he?这时要肯定他的说法,就是He 的确没完成,该怎么答?是No,还是YES. he hasn't还是he has2. Don't you think the TV is too noisy? - -还是肯定,就是真的很吵,该怎么答? one of the easiest ways to keep healthy is to do jogging 英语翻译 求一首英文歌曲,歌词关于easy我只记得歌词大概是 哦哦easy , 只记的这么多了... one of the easiest ways to keep healthy is to do jopping 英语翻译 rather than do sth还是rather than doing sth如果两种都可以 那么有什么区别?好的追加不清楚的不要回答 rather than 后面加 do 还是doing 什么是宾语从句 谓语从句 定语从句 状语从句还有别的什么从句吗?有的话 全部都给我列出来喔 能具体点就具体说 宾语从句\定语从句\状语从句\非谓语从句的先行词各是什么?最好直接回答哈! It is e___to spend money than earn money.Here the t___changes from about -5 to 12 in winter. It is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill (短文答案)It is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill,so it is easier to fall into bad habits than to form good ones.Bad habits do not come suddenly.They come little by little while people prefer to do rather than do 和prefer doing rather than do区别? would rather用法 prefer doing rather than doing与prefert to do rather than do的区别那这题为什么不能选b,They prefered_____rather than______a walk ,to ride B.walking,riding walk.ride 先翻译,在划分成分(主语,谓语,宾语,表语,状语,定语,宾补语)他们正幸福的生活着. 当both作为代词时 什么时候用both of +复数名词 什么时候用代词宾格 Tom usually goes to the park with Ben.(改成一般疑问句,做否定回答) would rather do than do ,rather doing than doing prefer to do ..rather than do 这样说对吗?是不是 英语翻译the fear of God the love of God 该怎么翻译好呢 我翻译为 对上帝的敬畏 和 上帝对世人的爱 ;为什么结构,词性都是一样的,但是动作对象刚好是相反的呢 如果用FROM是不是会好理解一些 那 英语翻译 God of love这个短语是什么意思啊 英语翻译It happens automatically and it is the most important reality of this world to sustain life. by plane 关于by plane & in planeThe plane __B_ I came to London has flown 10,000 which which为何不选A by plane 翻译