
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:45:33
what he said convinced me that i was mistakesaid 是发生在 过去的过去 为什么 不用过去完成时 what he had said 回肠荡气 正确解释. 成语回肠荡气的意思和解释,用回肠荡气造句及其故事典故 人教版六年级习作8作文急.. 人教版六年级上学期语文习作8的作文明天就要交,请各位大侠给我找一个,最好写书法的!我+分! 什么是导电银浆?具体用处在哪里导电银浆的定义 坐标变换如何判断dq轴是有功还是无功我看到好多书上都不相同,有的是q轴为有功,有的是d轴为有功,不明白怎么判断这两个坐标轴哪个是有功哪个是无功, In the interview,he had finally ----several customers of the advantages of his product.A convinced B reminded C accused D informed 电容i=dq/dt q的值不变化,i是多少?上面写错了,电流i=dq/dt q的值不变化,i是多少? 英语翻译can‘t be It’s alright Alright的中文意思 alright什么意思 it s alright是什么意思.是潮男正传裏面的一句歌词. what is labor in you eyes请以此为题写一篇文章,一百字左右,一分钟英语演讲稿,下午就要讲了,实在写不来。 What is Saudi Arabia labor view on inflation and unemployment沙特阿拉伯对通货膨胀和失业有什么看法 The public pay more attention to the quality of milk after the Sanlu tainted milk case. used for the production of high-quality,solvent and water resistant stencils什么意思used for the production of high-quality,solvent and water resistant stencils The Imperial Palace is in____ of Beijing?the eastthe westthe centrethe south 这题小学题,请问下可以分出几种分法,要求最少4种.好急! Visiting the Imperial palace什么意思/ Ten Imperial Palace 是什么地方 一个水分子的质量是多少? vibration meter是什么意思 wu是什么意思 wu是一个“日”一个“吾”的wu M-WU是什么意思? Wu 项链wu含义是什么?我有一个白金项链,上面有wu字母和99%,这是什么牌子的项链? 英语翻译At different time in a man's life,his food has different effects on his body.Among children food is quickly changed into the power to run and play games.Most of young adult's food is spent on growing tall.We grow upwards only during the f 有古诗叫《无日》吗?怎么读的? 古诗词中的“不”怎么念