
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:52:42
在英语中饭店的翻译有哪几个 怎样翻译英语句子看到一句话,脑子里有它的意思,就是不能很有语序地翻译 英语翻译A central government audit recently uncovered 314serious disciplinary violations,up from 175serious cases revealed the year before,the BBC's Celia Hatton in Beijingreports.up from 175 serious cases revealed the year before 英语翻译1:under the present system,state-owned enterprises must turn out all profits to the government.2:ever since the rise of industrialism education has been geared towards producing workers.3:his diligence was such that he made great progress 写出它的第三人称单数形式,ing形式,过去式,过去分词如:do-does-doing-did-done 1、get2、go3、make4、buy5、take6、have7、is/am8、live9、stop10、read 怎样正确的使用英语过去式?有哪些第三人称单数?怎么用?还有复数形式?嘻嘻我英语学得不好(一-六年级) 英语如何区分ing形式,第三人称单数形式,正在进行时,过去式?快考试了,我还没把它们区分开额。 在括号内填上哪些字母,能使横竖6行都成为英语单词?( )( ) R( ) R ( )R ( ) ( ) 在括号内填上哪些字母,能使个方块中的横竖六行都能评成英语单词( )( )R ( )( )S ( )E( ) ( )( )A ( )( )E( )R( ) ( )S( ) E( )E ( )A( ) ( )E( )R( )( ) S( )( ) ( )E( ) A( )( ) ( )E( ),没其他提示了,只有这些 英语50个句子加翻译大概要写多长时间 在括号里填上字母,使横竖六行都能拼成英语单词.1.() () s () s () s () ()还有:1.()e () 2.()()a 3.()()ee() e () a () () e ()()e () a()() 英语 翻译一个句子人们乱砍滥伐树木夺走了动物们赖以生存的家园 英语被动语态 主动变被动 被动变主动1 we often hear her sing the song2 Miss ding teaches us English3 I am influenced by my parents4 when did they make these cars?5 We will build a new dig school in two years 6 Three man-made satellites 在英语中什么时候用主动语态什么时候用被动语态呀?比如说:There are the last two days before graduation.Everyong was very happy today.There are no lessons to be learned today.后面这句话为什么要加个be呀?去掉不行 英语被动语态中finish什么时候主动表被动,什么时候用被动语态? 怎样区分英语主动和被动语态?we went in and found the room poorly furnished ..这句话的 furnished 为什么是被动形式?再比如说,when shall we have the corrected articles back?中的corrected 为什么也是被动形式啊? 她经常打扫她的房间用英语翻译?打扫是用动词的ing形式呢?还是直接加s呢? 我不敢把事情的真想告诉他 英语翻译(用初中水平翻译) 我不敢把事情的真想告诉他 英语翻译用初中水平翻译 在括号内填上哪些字母,能是个方块中的横竖六行都能拼成英语单词?()()R ()()S ()E() ()()A ()()E() R() () S() E()E () A () () E()R () () S ()() () E () A () () E () () 为什么有写句子开头是动词ing,而祈使句不是,怎样区分 英语是不是祈使句、中的动词用原型、介词后的动词呢、?情态动词后的加ing么、还有没有什么类似的呢、求初一下学期、 英语主被动的一个题I smell sth.____ (烧糊)````````````1.sth.和烧是被动 用BURNT2.强调正在 用BURNING哪个对? 一道英语 被动的题The Merry Wives of Windsor,an amusing comedy by Shakespeare,will be playing at the Performing Arts Center during the mogth of August.为什么不是will being palyed?The Merry Wives of Windsor 是莎士比亚的一部戏剧 英语主被动的问题the children went there to watch the iron tower( ).A erecting Bbeing erected为什么?不是被矗立着吗?还是应为由于前面的watch后的跟法有关? 英语主被动问题?the cat was lucky that it just missed ——————为什么用catching,不用 being caught? 在空格内填入适当字母,使横竖都组成一个单词( )( )S ( )S( ) S( )( )%>_ like加动词ing形式和liketo加动词原形的区别 谢谢美女们的祝福用英语怎么怎么翻译 英语翻译Life used to be fun for teenagers.They used to have money to spend and free ___1___ to spend.They ___2___ to wear teenage clothes in teenage coffee bars and discos.Some of them still do.But for many young people,life is __3___ now .It is 英语翻译It was an early morning in summer.In the streets ,sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly ,heading towards their 1 .This was the beginning of another 2 day in New York City.3 this day was to be different .Waiting 4 the crowded streets ,on 关于英语被动的一个题目.35.Clothes made of this material _______ comfortably,but _______ easily.A.wear; aren’t washed B.are worn; don’t washC.wear; don’t wash D.are worn; aren’t washed需要详细的解释(为什么这