
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:40:09
请英语好的好心人帮我把这些话翻成英语互相折磨的第五天.我很难过.很难过.我们怎么了我不知道,也许真的都累了,我以为这次你也会像以前一样再回来.每次你都站在我转身就能看见的地方 they can't get out? I should have married her ()her father refused meA but for B if it had not been C but that D if int were not for选C为啥啊谢谢了啊 英语翻译我想用它做个英文名字 翻译成中文怎么念 像个名字的翻译就行corsair(海盗),翻译成中文该怎么翻译好,还是做名字, Kate read a history book yesterday.___ A.so John does B.so did John C.so does John D.So John did mr sister often goes to school by bus.对by bus 提问 I ____ the book yesterday,so I can tell you the story.(read) “操感其言”属什么句式 求《赤壁之战》中‘荆州之民附操者’这句话的意思和句式求大神帮助 He is one of the best pupils_____ I have seen 是一个定语从句答案是whom或who 为什么呢,在这里做什么,做定语从句这种题方法是什么. his best grade词组对吗 既然speak是及物动词.为什么会有I can speak english. What I think he’s saying is the plan is working.这句话有语病吗? The rising of sea...The rising of sea level occurs due to the thermal expansion of the oceans from the heating and run-pff from melting ice sheets and glaciers. 女朋友用英语怎么写? 当z趋近与0时,(z/sinz)的导数为什么是0 What's the difference between Desert Eagle and P228.THANK YOU! Hi,for you,I will take two steps at once.—— 翻译, He couldn't play anythings 的同义句 He ___play____. Jack take his bike to school.改同义句 jack drives a school bus,his bus reception怎么读 reception这个单词怎么读? operator您好!总机 reception您好!总台 用中文怎么读 在婚礼中有一个项目叫“reception”怎么翻译? world soon h.k logistics co.limited是什么 as far as the limited resources in the world,our needs and wants are infinite. hedging-instrument是什么意思 英语的语法填空,我该怎么的满分? personal a.求中文 社会让我们无法相信有真理,表面看上去是那么的平淡,但事实让我们痛狠,也许这一切只能内心的发泄吧了...社会让我们无法相信有真理,表面看上去是那么的平淡,但事实让我们痛狠,也许这一 树上有两只鸟,一只公鸟一只母鸟,树下有一只羊在吃草,这时来了一只大灰狼,大灰狼把羊吃了,之后呢,公鸟就把母鸟强奸了,问:为什么?