
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:21:53
Miss Gao can play the piano,too的同义句Miss Gao ()()()play the piano I can play the piano.(写同义句)I_____ ______ ______play the piano. Emily can play the piano too.改为同意句Emily play the piano. I can not admit it! Admit It!歌词 so a lieele like you 浦东新区面积多少?拜托了各位 谢谢 求托福2012年7月14号机经, Everybody knows about the secret of his double life yet. 是什么意思? 请问英文名Echo翻译成中文名什么意思? 英语翻译希望有人看到啊! Zhang Li has been working for _____ eight hoursA the allB the wholeC wholeD all 浦东新区面积有多大 澶的读音为 澶蠶檸怎么读的?有这几个字吗?拜托各位大神 "澶灭窘褰变纷"这几个字怎麽读啊. 上海浦东1995和2005年的人均绿地面积和人均居住面积的数据请给一下谢谢~ echo(回声)的复数是什么?echos还是echoes? His explanation is far form___________.A.satisfactoryB.being satisfactory答案选的是B.为什么啊 I'am on d___today.I should clean the classroom根据首字母提示写出单词适当形式根据句子 far from、away from和far from away的区别,His school is 20 kilometes --------- from my schoolbut we meet every weekMy home is about 10 km ---------- from school呢? his home is not far from school .H ,he is often late for school.his home is not far from school .H___,he is often late for school.Mike looks m___ younger than paul ,though they are of the same age. 首字母填空 ln London,lots od its p____ came from factories,and a lot of it came from coal(煤)Second,cleaner fuels(燃料) are quite e____ 我希望你工作能更努力.I wish ____ ____ ____ study____.急 dreams of finding lost treasure almost come ture 中dream为什么用复数 dreams of finding lost treasure almost came ture中dream名词做主语不应用dreaming么dream是名词为什么用复数?就是这样开头的 河口平原river delta为什么被译成“三角洲“?这些所谓river delta的平原形状各异,没有一个是三角形,“三角洲”这个译法莫名奇妙! 关于Delta中性的一道题某投资者持有10000股甲股票,进行delta中性交易.卖出2张1月后到期行权价为20元的认购期权(delta为0.5).如果今天市场下跌,delta变为0.46,则为了保持delta中性,应如何操作?答 If China continues to grow in importance,Chinese will become as common as English by the 21st century.这里面的grow in the river delta enters the ,为什么译成某河三角洲的各支流汇入…?river delta不是三角洲吗? Cotten___in my hometown.A.grow B.in grow C.are grow D.were grow ,to be the best I can