
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:37:16
We write with pens这个句子对吗? we have pens and pencils_____(write)with 遇水膨胀止水条怎么用 we write_ pencils and pens C.with D.for We w__ with pens补充完整 把木炭粉和氧化铜粉混合加热,试管冷却后把试管里的粉末倒在纸上,观察到的红色物质是什么? 将纯净的氧化铜粉末装入试管中,称得总质量为48.8g,在加热的条件下通入一氧化碳,反应一段时间后,将试管冷却、称量,称得总质量为44g,求反应生成铜的质量 铁粉和氧化铜粉末混合均匀后,放入试管中,隔绝空气,高温3~4分钟,冷却后,试管内有红色物质1.你认为可能是:(写出两种猜想)2.设计一个实验方案来验证——————查阅资料,反应是置换反 氢气与高温的氧化铜反应可看到黑色氧化铜变红色,试管内壁有水珠.现有8g氧化铜粉末,(1)理论上需要多少克氢气与8g氧化铜刚好完全反应?(2)完成反应可得到固体生成物多少克? 一氧化碳还原氧化铜,得到亮红色固体,完全反应后,继续通入CO直至试管冷却,目的是什么 结婚了的女人在英语里,还能用Miss吗?如果不是,应该用什么? It's dog is very lovely.改错 She is my little siser Do-ro改为一般疑问句 It is my lovely dog改为一般疑问句 not,you,with write ,can ,it连词成句 It's good to write with you.为什么去掉with? ()遇到水变成紫色晶体好象叫"无水……” It's good to write with you 是否正确 晶体为什么遇到水会溶解 It's good to write with you.短文改错,哪里错了? 你的情况进展的如何呢?______ it ________ with you 春节期间有哪些素材作文 give one’s regards to sb. (4/4)what should i do to improve my performance in exams? Best regards 英语翻译In regards to your specification,can you give us the spectrum and method for identification analytical determination method for identification respectively quantitative analysis which catalysts do influence the decomposition resp.spontane 是( watch) football games还是(play)football games It's more American than most Americans with regards to age.with regards 关于,至于,提到翻译不通 I like to watch football games ? TV很简单吧,我还有几道题目,做好了给两百分!1,He ? baseballs2,My mother likes volleyballs.she thinks is is ?3,Let is play tennisoh that ? good4,my father ? many compu play games play the CD football player dont play computer football合并一句dont play computer football合并一句 play football填两个 computer games talk to sb ask sth about sth show sth to sb造句 ‘when sth.'的句型造句10个 英语翻译Mr.Jarvis,whose book “Public Parts” argues about the virtues of engaging with people online,conceded that such experiences made him wary about doing the same in an airplane setting.“So often we do sit next to utter strangers,” he