
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:27:50
clothes是复数吗?cloth是单数吗 do you know what is she 还是do you know what is she请说明原因还有 这一类的问题我都分不清好像说什么作主语我看到过一句话the boy didn't know what is in his pocket. Where did Betty Swan go when she didn't know what to do 咋回答第二个问题可不答(答对了, ()She doesn't know__this afternoon. A.what she can do it B.what to do it C.what to do D.what she d()She doesn't know__this afternoon. A.what she can do it B.what to do it C.what to do D.what she does When you love someone but she or he don't know what should you do? 哪种花不香? Little Tom lives s____ near our school.根据首字母填空到底是so还是simply? 为什么鲜艳的花不香 Tom used to play___ our school basketball team,didn't he?Yes,but he is still ___ our school soccer team now.A.for.on B.on,to c.with,for d.at ,on.选择哪项, Tom isn t comes to our school.哪里错了Tom isn,t like his English teacher.哪里错了 Tom studies at our school.He is a ________ boy.A.fifteen-year-old B.fifteen-years-old C.fifteen year old D.fifteen years old 我懂得了______ 作文500字要好的噢!快点回答啊 !!答好的有奖!!!! 什么花不香? There are over forty students in our class 同义句转换 我想知道我的名字有什么样的含义? 是用英语来解释上面的句子 There are over 50 students in our class.My cousin is as tall as I. 我的名字的含义是什么 我的名字啥意思 夏天开花 红色 是什么花叶子是椭圆形的完全是红色的,没有别的颜色. 不仅在冬天,也在夏天开花的花有哪些? 这种花是什么花,还带淡淡的香味,常种在公路两旁,树很茂盛!常在夏天开花. rsenu这几个英语字母可以拼成什么英语单词 描写菊花外形的文章 英语翻译改同义句 the old woman oftenhelps her daughter take care of the baby.the probelm is very difficult.we can't work it out.pass him the bookjohn bought his sister a penlucy gave jingjing an appletom cooked a nice dinner for us.the hostes 英语翻译翻译我想成为一名在中国的交换生.同义句1.The weather was hot and humid yesterday._ was the weather _ yesterday?2.Uncle Zhang was out a moment ago .Uncle Zhang was out _ _. Y 性交方式有几种 性爱有几种方式 秋天到了菊花竞相开放一朵朵美丽的菊花装点了我们的生活请用一段话描写多姿多彩的菊花请运用多种修辞手法 公园里的菊花真美啊! 写一段话 描写菊花的一段话.描写菊花的一段话,不少于60字,要有中心句 鼠标用英语怎么说? 用有的像有的像还有的像 描写菊花的一段话