
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:40:49
根据开普勒行星运动定律 行星轨道的长半轴越长,自转周期就越大貌似应该改成公转,如果是自转周期要越大 可以怎么推出来的 r3/t2=K 适合公转还是自转 how is the computer useful in your daily life?give examples Renew your life!Change Up the Routine 中英对照Abraham Joshua Heschel was one of the leading American Rabbis,theologians,and social activists of the 20th century.He said something that I’ll never forget and that has stayed with me since the mome 用一个比喻句来体现一个人的勤奋 如:“勤奋是智慧的火把”的比喻句 the young have their own ideas about life __ well ____about coolRT,填介词或副词 They've written down some ideas____ good ideas a.about how getting b.on how to get c.in how they geThey've written down some ideas____ good ideas a.about how getting b.on how to get c.in how they get 为什么太阳西起东落是又大又红呢?是东起西落 英语翻译求大神英语准确翻译,不要有道词典翻译的,进入高中过后,我们的学习任务明显加重了.在繁重的课业负担下,我们也应该学会适度的放松自己.下面我就提出一些能够放松的方法.第一, I like red.I think this colour ____(make) me ____(look) beautiful Make something look better or more beautiful( )猜词 I think she will look more beautiful is purple.这句话对吗?我的练习上有这句.觉得不太符合语法规则啊. i like to read in the bright light at night.此处in 能不能换成use.如果能怎样换 I need to rest for the night.I need to rest tonight.这两句话有什么区别吗? 上面一个穴字头下面一个必念什么 I’m sorry you’ve missed the train. It _______ 10 minutes ago.A. has leftB. had leftC. leftD. has been away he looks beautiful in red dress.he wears a red dress to look beautiful.哪一个对. ____(dress) in white,you look so beautiful.____(dress) in white makes you beautiful.应该怎么填? You look much______in the new dress You are really a _____ (beautiful) 怎么写, 非洲鬣狗VS藏狗哪个厉害 You look beautiful tonight 怎么读 刚看动物世界狮子妈妈的孩子被鬣狗吃了它冲天低吼并且眼里好像有泪,动物也有感情吗?它们会伤心吗? 动物世界 讲狮子跟鬣狗,狮群两头雄狮,弟弟很凶猛,最后从灌草丛中冲出来把鬣狗首领咬死是哪一期? 两个月的小象走失被鬣狗吃掉的视频链接,是动物世界还是别的节目的?节目名称是什么? 怎么写? 动物世界狮子与鬣狗观后感400字 Your backpack is on the chair.对on the chair 部分提问 Draw a yellow sweater on the chair ___is on the chair?-lt' s a sweater I'm sorry you've missed the tran .It _ 10 minutes ago.a.left b.has left c.had left 应该选哪个,为什么? 猎狗和鬣狗是一种动物还是两种不同的动物?