
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:51:56
Mindy Gledhill的All about your heart这首歌的歌词谁能发下 英语翻译I don't mind your odd behaviorIt's the very thing I loveIf you were an ice cream flavorYou would be my favorite oneMy imagination sees youLike a painting by Van GoghStarry nights and bright sunflowersFollow you where you may goOh,I loved all about your heart是 nie version 唱的分手妆的那曲子.求 可以放在空间的. 已知向量|OA|=2,向量|OB|=1,向量|OC|=4,向量OA与向量OB的夹角为120°,向量OA与向量OC的夹角为30°,用向量OA,向量OB表示向量OC 英语:My aunt likes salad __________ carrots and tomaioes.(in/with) Sam likes salad for lunch (对划线部分提问)8素偶8会、俄做出来鸟不敢确定呐、英语尖子快出来快出来、还有—和偶成为好盆友吧~(吐槽绕道)画滴系 salad my sister likes french fties for lunch 改为一般疑问句写错了一个单词 薯条 he likes salad for supper 一般疑问句 一个数除以3,除以4,除以5,结果余数都是1,这个数最小是什么? My uncle is a bus My uncle is a bus driver.改否定句 My uncle is a driver改为选择疑问句(a worker) 英语:Uncle John is a bus _____ (drive). 1.My grandfather is a farmer对a farmer 进行提问 2.He is a bus driver改为一般疑问句 488除以0.35的商的最高位在哪一位? 1 We ate some hamburgers for lunch.(some hamburgers)2 Simon and his father played table tennis yesteday.(yesteday)3 Helen could read and write by herself.(by herself) we'll eat some hamburgers at the snack bar.怎么改成一般疑问句 some chidren want hamburgers for lunch改为同义句 some chidren ___ ___hamburgers for lunch 新水浒传在哪里看 看完新水浒传与新三国你有何感想?看完新水浒传和新三国,感觉喜欢上了金戈铁马,辞呈沙场的乱世, 哎吧新水浒传终于看完了,你们看了没,看完有何感想 你们最恨谁? 现在从哪里可以看新水浒传?发过网址 A 5 4 和 C 5 4 怎么算?排列组合 f(x)=f(n-2)+f(n+2)对于任何大于1的正整数n都成立,且f(0)=2004,则f(2004)=? 对所有非负整数都有f(x)=f(x-1)+f(x+1)且f(0)=2004`求f(2004) 1/x+1/y=1/2004 正整数解的组数? 已知f(x)对任意的整数x,都有f(x+2)=f(x-2)若f(0)=2003,则f(2004)的值为A.2002 B.2003 C.2004 D.2005要有过程.谢谢. 设n为给定的正整数,设An={x丨2^n < x < 2^n+1,且x=3m,m∈N}.设n为给定的正整数,设An={x丨2^n < x < 2^n+1,且x=3m,m∈N}.(1)当n为奇数时,求An中的最大值和最小值.(2)求An中所有元素之和. 要人教版五年级上册数学新思维伴你学的答案!(P43--P46) 雅思阅读判断题 ,猜答案的话,出现两者比较 或对比关系,一般猜什么T?F?NG? 14 5 28 5 ( ) 5( )( ) 28分之25减去【7分之2加上14分之5】