
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:15:36
如何将中文更好的翻译成英文,用什么工具好 谷歌太差了 My father told me a story last night It is ______one I have ever heard A,the funniest Bfunniest CfuMy father told me a story last night It is ______one I have ever heardA,the funniest Bfunniest Cfunnier Dthe funnier 补全单词 dont worry about your work ,it will make you s_____ out 怀孕两个月了还是液性暗区是怎么回事子宫前位,增大,宫腔内正常位置可见一14CM*9CM的囊状厚壁液性暗区,囊壁光滑,张力好,囊内未见卵黄囊样回声及胚芽.双附件区域未见明显异常. 为什么看月亮其中有很暗的部位 I told Alice an interesting story.的被动句是什么? 问几道介词填空题 急1>she come ________ England2>The sun rise ______ the east and goes down ______ the west3>The railway goes _____ the mountain and the fovest4>she hasn't seen him ______ three years5>It's half _______five now.Let's go home6> 问几道介词填空题1.She had tasted the fear of being cast ---------------,and it left a bitter taste in her mouth.2.He took off his shoes and stretched himself ----------------on the bed once he reached home,tired from a whole day's work.3.Thro 问几道外贸函电的英语填空题 都是些介词的填写,1.we take this opportunity to introduce ourselves__one of the important dealers__the line of hard ware in China2.All the models illustrated can be supplied__stock__competitive prices sh 世界十大首富是谁?09年的 These are Ben's books.划线提问Ben's.求解 求大学英语朗诵比赛 主题 素材我想要配乐朗诵 最好是内容朗诵出来要跌宕起伏一些(可以更好地投入情感),选什么主题素材比较好?最好把演讲原文也给我 These are Laura's storybooks.划线提问,Laura's划线 当我们对森林中某种生物的密度进行调查时,若调查的范围很大,我们最好采用哪种方法进行调查?A.大体估算B.全部逐一记录C.分成几块进行调查,然后累加D.分成几块进行随机抽样调查,求平均值 介词填空题____ proposing the motion,Jane suggested that we should be proud of our history and respect the traditional role of women.A.With B.For C.In D.On我知道这个是上海牛津课本里的一句原文,我想问问为什么填in 急!求高手做几个介词填空题1.The most unlikely objects found their way -----------his design and look absolutely right where he placed them.2.It is believed that war is gone ------------- good and we will never see another one.3.This is an 大学英语6级难吗?有没什么好方法啊听力好难啊 总觉得太快了 特别是在听句子的时候 怎么才可以把句子听到咧 These books are ours .划线部分在ours,对划线部分提问 英语高手进,261_______ look as if we are going to have some trouble A.It B.There 谢 8,943,261英语翻译? 谁会解成语接龙?龙腾虎( )然纸( )天入( )久天( )命百( )岁平( )之若素每个括号里添一个字(添成后,前后四个字必须是四字成语)龙腾虎( )——( )然纸( )——( )天 解成语接龙 成语接龙谁能帮我解以下? 求解成语接龙 英语翻译We also tried to make our own cross word and but it proved to be difficult since he is a kid who to over with things quickly. 英语翻译Bobby and Jerry’s behavior has changed over the last few lessons behavior strategiesJerry confided in me that “he did not like going to his second English Class”.I have had to introduce behavior strategies again to help the boys to 考大学英语需要几级啊? 普通大学英语能考到几级呢? 如下图,一张光盘上刻有150M的文件(黑色部分),如果每平方厘米的储存量一样大空白区域(灰色部分)还可以可上多大的文件?白色部分的圆的直径是4CM,黑色部分的直径是8CM,灰色部分的直径是 求解出这两个成语接龙,1,言行不一————( )———— ( )————( ) —————— ( )2,悬崖勒马————()————()————()————() 同是翻译一句英语,百度翻译与谷歌翻译翻译的结果怎么这么大啊?例如:翻译“What's this in English? ”.百度翻译结果:“这个用英语怎么说?”谷歌翻译结果:“这是什么在英语吗?”……这是 成语接龙------------速度答1记忆犹新 2拍案叫绝3实心实意接龙——每组四个